no country for old men cast

No country for old men cast

A violent crime opus set in West Texas, where a man finds a fortune in drug loot, and tries to dodge a sheriff and a bounty hunter out to recover it. Close Ad. New This Month.

Summary The time is our own, when rustlers have given way to drug runners and small towns have become free-fire zones. The story begins when Llewelyn Moss finds a pickup truck surrounded by a sentry of dead men. A load of heroin and 2 million dollars in cash are still in the back. When Moss takes the money, he sets off a chain reaction of catast Read More. Find a list of new movie and TV releases on DVD and Blu-ray updated weekly as well as a calendar of upcoming releases on home video. To help you plan your moviegoing options, our editors have selected the most notable films releasing in February , listed in alphabetical order.

No country for old men cast

Sign In. Javier Bardem Anton Chigurh. Josh Brolin Llewelyn Moss. Woody Harrelson Carson Wells. Kelly Macdonald Carla Jean Moss. Garret Dillahunt Wendell. Tess Harper Loretta Bell. Barry Corbin Ellis. Stephen Root Man who hires Wells. Rodger Boyce El Paso Sheriff. Beth Grant Carla Jean's Mother. Ana Reeder Poolside Woman. Kit Gwin Sheriff Bell's Secretary.

Casting 2 Credits. The concept was Ethan's, who persuaded a skeptical Joel to go with the idea.

No Country for Old Men is the award-winning neo-Western from the Coen Brothers, based on the hit book by Cormac McCarthy, and both the movie and novel are populated with memorable and chillingly real characters. The movie follows a man named Llewelyn Moss Josh Brolin as he stumbles upon a cartel suitcase full of money and decides to run with it. All three men are tied by fate and yet almost never meet throughout the film. Bardem is often looked at as the best thing to come out of the film, but every actor in the movie is worthy of praise. The protagonist of No Country for Old Men , and the antagonist if he was placed in any other film, Llewelyn Moss gets the plot moving after stealing a briefcase of money after stumbling across a cartel shootout. Despite being constantly on the run, Llewelyn is an intelligent, clever, and resourceful character who gives even the unstoppable Chigurh a reason to pause.

The movie opens with the flat, confiding voice of Tommy Lee Jones. He describes a teenage killer he once sent to the chair. The boy had killed his year-old girlfriend. The papers described it as a crime of passion, "but he tolt me there weren't nothin' passionate about it. Said he'd been fixin' to kill someone for as long as he could remember. Said if I let him out of there, he'd kill somebody again. Said he was goin' to hell. Reckoned he'd be there in about 15 minutes. And their impact has been improved upon in the delivery.

No country for old men cast

New 'The Bikeriders' Trailer. R 2 hr 2 min Nov 8th, Drama , Thriller , Crime. Cast J. Josh Brolin. Javier Bardem. Tommy Lee Jones. Woody Harrelson.

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Emotionally, that's a very different effect. The only extras are three behind-the-scenes featurettes. The concept was Ethan's, who persuaded a skeptical Joel to go with the idea. Flipside Movie Emporium. No Country for Old Men doesn't celebrate or smile at violence; it despairs of it. February 25, January 9, While accepting the award for Best Director at the 80th Academy Awards , Joel Coen said that "Ethan and I have been making stories with movie cameras since we were kids", recalling a Super 8 film they made titled " Henry Kissinger : Man on the Go". Tom Chesney. The movie's violence isn't pulpy and visceral, the kind of thing that hits like a fist; it's brutal, and rather relentless, but there are still several layers of comfortable distance between it and us.

For more information, visit the contribution bible. The roles of prey and predator blur as the violent pursuit of money and justice collide. View More.

Art Director 2 Credits. Close your eyes and listen to Moss's breathing and footsteps as he runs, the truck in pursuit as it labors over rocks and shrubs, the crack of the rifle and hissing of bullets as they rip through the air and hit the ground Javier Bardem. Retrieved September 1, Chigurh kills a total of 12 possibly more people, and, curiously enough, the violence devolves as the film progresses. Authority control databases. Retrieved June 22, Rolling Stone. Chigurh is the manifestation of this unhinged brutality — one character compares him to the bubonic plague. Retrieved November 9,

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