northwest passage in a sentence

Northwest passage in a sentence

English Dictionary. Word Lists.

Directly to word page Vague search google. Northwest passage in a sentence up 1 down 2. Sentence count Posted: Updated: Similar words: northwest , north-west , passage , passageway , southwest , rite of passage , bird of passage , for the most part. Meaning: n.

Northwest passage in a sentence

The Northwest Passage is a famed sea route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through a group of sparsely populated Canadian islands known as the Arctic Archipelago. European explorers first began to search for the Northwest Passage in the fifteenth century, but treacherous conditions and sea ice cover made the route impassible, foiling many expeditions. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first to successfully navigate the Northwest Passage in Climate change has caused Arctic ice cover to thin in recent years, opening the passage to marine shipping. In summer , the route was entirely ice-free for the first time in recorded history. Traversing the frozen Northwest Passage historically has required a hazardous journey through thousands of giant icebergs that could rise up to feet above the surface of the water and huge masses of sea ice that could seal the passage and trap ships for months at a time. The idea of a northwest sea route from Europe to East Asia dates back at least to the second century A. Europeans developed interest in the sea passage after the Ottoman Empire monopolized major overland trade routes between Europe and Asia in the fifteenth century. John Cabot , a Venetian navigator living in England, became the first European to explore the Northwest Passage in He sailed from Bristol, England, in May with a small crew of 18 men and made landfall somewhere in the Canadian Maritime islands the following month. Like Christopher Columbus five years before him, Cabot thought he had reached the shores of Asia.

Plans to lay a fibre-optic cable through the passage were revived inthe project is known as Far North Fiber. Encyclopedia of the Arctic. The International Hydrographic Organization defines the limits of the Northwestern Passages as follows: [34].

The various islands of the archipelago are separated from one another and from Mainland Canada by a series of Arctic waterways collectively known as the Northwest Passages , Northwestern Passages [5] or the Canadian Internal Waters. For centuries, European explorers, beginning with Christopher Columbus in , sought a navigable passage as a possible trade route to Asia, but were blocked by North, Central, and South America, by ice, or by rough waters e. Tierra del Fuego. An ice-bound northern route was discovered in by the Irish explorer Robert McClure. Scotsman John Rae explored a more southerly area in through which Norwegian Roald Amundsen found a route, making the first complete passage in — Until , the Arctic pack ice prevented regular marine shipping throughout most of the year.

Davys, also Davis:English navigator who explored the arctic while searching for the northwest passage and later sailed to the South Seas. He discovered the Falkland Islands in Ah, for just one time I would take the northwest passage. The northwest passage had proved to be a lengthy and draining mountain journey. Is it an amphibian explorer who's discovered the subterranean equivalent of a northwest Passage?. The northwest passage was passed through in , and just to mention recent years. A romantic time travel novel completing the northwest passage series.

Northwest passage in a sentence

Home » Oceanography » Northwest Passage. Northwest Passage Map: The red lines are possible routes that ships can use to traverse the Northwest Passage, a shipping route that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through the Canadian Arctic. Click to Enlarge Image. In the past, the Northwest Passage has been virtually impassable because it was covered by thick, year-round sea ice. However, in recent years, climate change is allowing commercial traffic to pass through the Arctic via this once-impossible route. The benefits of a clear Northwest Passage are significant. Ship routes from Europe to eastern Asia are 4, kilometers 2, miles shorter. Alaskan oil could move quickly by ship to ports in the eastern United States. The vast mineral resources of the Canadian North will be much easier and economical to develop and ship to market. Graph of arctic sea ice extent: Time series graph of the average monthly Arctic sea ice extent in millions of square kilometers.

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Wikimedia Commons. The Coast Guard vessel was chartered by the Voyage of Rediscovery and crewed by volunteers. On the West. S2CID Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology. The northernmost route was chosen. Cameron Dueck and his crew aboard the foot 12 m sailing yacht Silent Sound also transited in the summer of English confusables. In James Harold Barrett ed. Tierra del Fuego. German English to German. October 20, Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute.

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Nadon is an aluminum, catamaran-hulled, high-speed patrol vessel. Mandarin Chinese characters. National Snow and Ice Data Center. More than once on this trip, he was uncertain whether St. They set Hudson and his teenage son John, along with seven sick, infirm, or loyal crewmen, adrift in a small open boat. A member of the crew is reported to have claimed that "there was no ice whatsoever. In his first news conference after the federal election , Prime Minister-designate Stephen Harper contested an earlier statement made by the U. JOC Group. According to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment , the latter part of the 20th century and the start of the 21st had seen marked shrinkage of ice cover. The first recorded attempt to discover the Northwest Passage was the east—west voyage of John Cabot in , sent by Henry VII in search of a direct route to the Orient. Discovery of Longitude at Sea, etc. Arctic topics. It was translated and published in London , stimulating exploration. Retrieved September 23,

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