Ntv news closings

Shelton won The Broncos won in overtime, bringing a ntv news closings state championship trophy back to town for the first time ever. A collection of photos from the Class C2 boys basketball state championship game between Amherst and Lincoln Lutheran. Amherst won

While at NTV, Alex reported on a little bit of everything: courts, politics, severe weather, education, agriculture and even some sports. He also has deep experience covering the Nebraska Legislature. A Nebraska native, Alex attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and was lucky enough to intern for HuskerVision, working as a camera operator, producer and instant replay operator for many of the Husker teams. When he's not reporting he enjosy watching the UFC or hanging out with his dog, Mellow and cat, Kawhi! Social AlexWhitneyTV. Lincoln Challenge to law banning abortion, gender affirming care heard by Supreme Court Alex Whitney. Lincoln Bill would ban recording police officers within 10 feet while performing duties Alex Whitney.

Ntv news closings

Central Nebraska. High School Sports. Skip to content. Watch Local4 Weather Live. Severe Weather Safety. StormChaser4 Request Form. Download the Weather App. Election Results. As Seen on TV. Contact Us.

Kearney police arrest man after he allegedly assaulted his mother.


A Winter Storm Warning for southeastern and south-central areas will begin early Monday morning and will continue through noon Tuesday. Heavy snow, breezy to windy conditions and hazardous travel are all possible. While the system is in the area, temperatures will hover around the freezing mark which we could have wet snow too. All LPS buildings are closed, and classes and activities are canceled. Skip to content. Weather Shield Request Form. Download the Weather App. Election Results. Pure Nebraska. Pure Nebraska Video.

Ntv news closings

We started off the day with low clouds in southeastern areas and while they did eventually clear out they helped to hold high temps down into the 50s in the east while western areas were well into the 70s. There is concern that we will see those low clouds return late tonight into tomorrow morning and just how widespread they will be and how long they will linger will be the big questions for our Saturday. By the afternoon most of us will end up sunny with highs ranging from the 60s in the east to the 70s out west. A cold front moving through during the early morning hours of Sunday will help to cool us down some with temperatures Sunday in the 50s and 60s which with gusty NW winds will make for a much cooler feeling day for many. Temperatures will settle into the 50s for much of next week before our next cold front arrives on Thursday and cools us further into the 40s. Moisture chances still look very slim Sunday night into Monday but we do see better chances of rain trying to move in for the end of next week.

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The new system will notify drivers in real-time when emergency drivers are within their radius or they are coming up on a scene. North Carolina man planned to kill family members after breaking into home in York, police say. Severe Weather Safety. A Nebraska native, Alex attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and was lucky enough to intern for HuskerVision, working as a camera operator, producer and instant replay operator for many of the Husker teams. Nebraska wrestling is in third place — just ahead of Iowa — after Day 1 of the Big Ten Championships. Interact With Us. Once homeless, Heather Santiago gives back. More News In Your Neighborhood. Print Ads. Nebraska Supreme Court finds Omaha man's speedy trial rights were violated, case to be dismissed. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device.


John's Friday Evening Forecast. By Aaron Sanderford and Zach Wendling. Uncover the facts behind the most common myths regarding laser hair removal. Log In. She is developing Physpeak, a software allowing physical therapists to record notes and generate medical billing codes within a single system. Updated: 20 hours ago. Birthday Club. A Nebraska native, Alex attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and was lucky enough to intern for HuskerVision, working as a camera operator, producer and instant replay operator for many of the Husker teams. But will it? Nebraska state budget plan advances with 3. Central Nebraska. My Subscription. The store is located in the former Bed Bath and Beyond building, which closed in Kearney, NE

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