nurse joys pokemon

Nurse joys pokemon

Using her expertise to help newbie trainers heal their Pokemon after an embarrassing defeat, Nurse Joy is a recurring character in the Pokemon anime series that has been around since the second episode, nurse joys pokemon, where she helped Ash's dying Pikachu after he was struck by lightning and accosted by a flock of Spearow. Since this moment, Nurse Joy has appeared in the series in one form or another, sometimes as the central focus of that episode's story, nurse joys pokemon. Despite being around for so long and having multiple story arcs attached to the character, Nurse Joy isn't someone that gets a lot of spotlight, and a lot of aspects of her character fly under the radar compared to most other recurring characters in the series. Nurse Joys nurse joys pokemon generally most recognizable by both their uniform and their partner Pokemon, which, for a long time, was usually a Chansey.

This caused Ash and Pikachu to worry about their upcoming Gym battle with Lt. While Ash and his friends were in Dr. When Team Rocket battled Ash and his friends, Chansey prevented them from doing so and as Chansey cared for Arbok and Weezing earlier while they were injured, Arbok and Weezing refused to fight Chansey. Proctor and Chansey waved goodbye to Ash and his friends. When she did, Chansey was revealed to have evolved into a Blissey. In Hour of the Houndour , a Chansey, along with Nurse Joy, bought groceries earlier and noticed an ice cream truck. They went to buy ice cream and then noticed their ham bag is empty.

Nurse joys pokemon

The show has often come up with strange backstories for some of the weirder elements it has had to adapt from the games, but its reasoning behind different Nurse Joys being found throughout the various regions has always seemed a little far-fetched for some fans. Due to the franchise extending over many different forms of media, however, some of the ways in which they adapt various aspects can be kind of strange. Although the theory is kind of far out there and is most likely just for simple fun when examined and compared to other evidence given throughout the series it actually makes much more sense than it may have at first glance. Nurse Joy may not even be the only human-like species in the anime, as there are also multiple similar individuals throughout the show's many seasons that are named Officer Jenny. The theory may be a stretch and is far from being officially confirmed, but as more and more pieces come together the theory starts to make a scary amount of sense. Other explanations as to how multiple Nurse Joys exist range from suggesting clone army conspiracies to the idea that they could all be Dittos, the theory spawned by Detective Pikachu.

She stayed by Nurse Joy's side as she lied down in bed until she felt better.

Don't like the ads? Then create an account! Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Much like in the games, most of the Nurse Joys have brink pink hair and fair skin. Others could have a lighter shade of hair color, or brighter or darker skin.

Nurse Joy and her sisters have a lot of things in common including the fact that they all look exactly the same and share the same clone-like voice. They wear the same uniform and act the same as each other -- down to the detail -- regardless of what region they are located in. Brock seems to flirt with just about any woman who he crosses paths with. Whenever he sees Nurse Joy or one of her sisters, he instantly goes into flirtation mode. Most women reject Brock in a very aggressive way because they are not interested in him at all but with Nurse Joy, it's a bit different. Nurse Joy doesn't aggressively reject Brock -- she stares at him with a confused look on her face. The fact that she is so perplexed by his actions makes her even more adorable. Mewtwo kidnapped Nurse Joy at one point and brainwashed her. He convinced her that she had only ever lived on the island with him and didn't have another life outside of that. Mewtwo is one of the worst characters ever and when he did that to Nurse joy, he solidified his bad reputation.

Nurse joys pokemon

They are also all accompanied by Chansey like Nurse Joy. She has mentioned working at Nimbasa City and is implied to have worked at Mistralton City. In Real Life Inquire Within! During this, versions of the uniform intended for male Nurses were shown, and were worn by Kiawe , Sophocles , and after clearing a misunderstanding Ash as well. The male uniform appeared again in Alola, Alola! Unlike in most other media, such as the core series games and main series anime, these nurses are different from each other, having different appearances and voices.

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However, each Nurse Joy will have a different color cross on her hat that indicates which location she works at. Nurse Joy and the group came by to retrieve Pikachu and Wigglytuff. This description is blank. Chrissy's only known move is Vacuum Wave. Team Rocket came by and stole Pikachu and Wigglytuff. Eventually, the two met each other again in the present. Following Nurse Joy's advice, Brock located a round stone for Happiny to carry in her pouch in order to keep her happy. After charging the generators, the Pikachu came out to the main lobby and jumped on top of Ash's Pikachu , who was in critical condition. Then create an account! Other than that, all Nurse Joys seem to be in a good mood all the time. Celebi and Joy! Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Nurse Joys are generally most recognizable by both their uniform and their partner Pokemon, which, for a long time, was usually a Chansey.

Using her expertise to help newbie trainers heal their Pokemon after an embarrassing defeat, Nurse Joy is a recurring character in the Pokemon anime series that has been around since the second episode, where she helped Ash's dying Pikachu after he was struck by lightning and accosted by a flock of Spearow. Since this moment, Nurse Joy has appeared in the series in one form or another, sometimes as the central focus of that episode's story.

It was not given a nickname in the Japanese version. Healing Wish. She was used to battle against Forrest 's Rhyperior in the Pewter Gym , in order to determine whether the Gym should be closed or not. Kalos Nurse Joys wear a pink and white dress with a white collar, and the same tights and shoes as the ones in Unova. She battled Brock's Sudowoodo at the Pewter Gym. In Enter Iris and Axew! It was also revealed that Galar's Nurse Joy employ Indeedee as their assistants. She healed Ash's Pikachu after he had battled with Ho-Oh. They accidentally wake up the same Salamence from before. Nurse Joys are generally most recognizable by both their uniform and their partner Pokemon, which, for a long time, was usually a Chansey. Having a Wailord of a Time. Eventually, the true purpose of Norman and Nurse Joy's meetings were revealed when Team Rocket accidentally sabotaged the machine meant to fire the fireworks. Despite being around for so long and having multiple story arcs attached to the character, Nurse Joy isn't someone that gets a lot of spotlight, and a lot of aspects of her character fly under the radar compared to most other recurring characters in the series. In Unova, Nurse Joys have different hairstyles with the hair being tied in rounder rings, a plain pink dress with a shorter apron, white tights, and pink shoes instead of white.

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