Ocarina of time water temple

They may be single levels, larger sandboxes, or broader settings. They may be as small as a room and as large as a world. Some may not even be good.

Play the Serenade of Water to quickly warp over to Lake Hylia. Before entering the temple, there is one optional Gold Skulltula that we can collect, over at the Lakeside Laboratory. Optional: Gold Skulltula Enter the Lakeside Laboratory and use the Iron Boots to sink down to the bottom of the small pool. Roll into the wooden crate here and and a Skulltula will pop out. Use the Hookshot to defeat it and grab the token. Simply follow the ruins to the lowest point of the lake and sink down to find a grated entrance to the temple.

Ocarina of time water temple

The infamous Water Temple is the cause of frustration for many gamers, especially in the original game. To access all the levels of this multi-layered temple, you must change the water level frequently and constantly equip and un-equip the Iron Boots. The 3DS edition includes some modifications to make the dungeon a little less difficult, but it can still be confusing and frustrating without guidance. Get used to this central room, because you'll will return here several times before completing the dungeon. If you have Faeore's Wind, keep re-setting the warp point to here, to save some time. The first thing you must do is swim over to the right platform, go through the short hallway, and dive into the water here, using your Iron Boots to move around underwater. In this particular tunnel is a block that you must pull out until it can no longer move. This is important for later and will save you some unnecessary backtracking. Return to the center room, throw on the Iron Boots and sink down to the very bottom. Run through the passage flanked by two unlit torches to meet up with Princess Ruto.

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Its original incarnation was incredibly tedious, forcing players to constantly hop in and out of the menu to swap Link's Iron Boots on and off, and its complex structure and length made it feel all the more burdensome. But beneath the annoyance hid the game's best dungeon, revealed by a few simple changes in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 's Nintendo 3DS remake. Within is a creature called Morpha, boss of the dungeon and the source of the curse that froze Zora's Domain. It's a twisted, multi-leveled maze that challenges players' spatial awareness, as they must use three switches hidden around the dungeon to manipulate the temple's water level, allowing them to access new areas throughout. In the original version of Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 , the temple was a poorly lit mass of samey rooms, leading many players to aimlessly wander its corridors for a way forward. Constantly needing to jump into the game's menu to take the Iron Boots on or off - which was then followed by a slow floating or sinking to Link's destination - killed the dungeon's pacing, and some of its keys were so easily missed as to leave players feeling cheated. It all added up to a place dreaded by the game's fans, so Nintendo implemented some smart fixes in Ocarina of Time 3D , making the Water Temple an dungeon so much smoother that it beats out all the others.

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Ocarina of time water temple

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Get on the small platform and step on the switch to raise the water level in this room just a little bit. Doing so will cause the water level to go down to its lowest level. Use these to traverse the wide gap, then enter the door. Tower of Spirits 6 Cancel X. Four Swords Adventures. Boulders and most enemies are no longer found, except for two Spikes and nine completely new Stalfos. The map, compass, and even the Longshot are obtained very early in the dungeon. In Stage 3 , the Links find themselves trapped in a caged enclosure with an Octorok. After a few sucessful hits, Morpha will summon two or three tentacles at a time, but only one will contain Morpha's nucleus. Use the Longshot to take it out. They are certainly treacherous waters to cross, but you can make the crossing slightly easier by killing as many of the Tektites as you can with arrows. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Stage Listing. Death Mountain 7.

It is the sixth dungeon encountered in the game. It was created by Ocarina of Time director Eiji Aonuma , who was inspired by his love of diving. It has players raising and lowering water levels to access different areas while utilizing a pair of Iron Boots to sink to the bottom.

The Sand Realm A switch in the center must be pressed down by all three Links, which opens another valve and floods the area as Tektites , Water Tektites and skeletal fish appear. The dungeon is incredibly ordered, and getting around and doubling back again and again involves repeating the same path. Return to the main room. Palace of Winds 6. Catfish's Maw. Tower of Spirits 2 4. Take out the lone Shell Blade with your Longshot, and float up to the final locked door. Champions' Ballad. Gerudo Desert The Iron Boots were changed into an item rather than a piece of equipment, the dungeon received glowing markings on various walls and corridors to mark where the player must go and to make changing the water level more clear, [4] [5] and an additional camera scene was added in the central tower of the dungeon to make the location of a commonly and easily missed Small Key more obvious. The experience is further enhanced by the Water Temple's stellar atmosphere. Video Walkthrough 8. Nintendo 3DS. Tower of Spirits 5

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