offshore rig pictures

Offshore rig pictures

Oil platform on the ocean.

Offshore drilling rig, Gulf of Mexico. Oil rig type offshore Jack Up drilling rig in The Middle of The Sea drilling offshore well for oil and gas production industry. Working Pumpjacks On Sunset. North Sea Oil and Gas. Offshore oil rig in east China sea.

Offshore rig pictures

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Pump jack silhouette against a sunset sky with reflections in the water. Offshore Wind Turbines At Sunset.

Search by image. Our Brands. All images. Related searches: Oil. Oil pump.

Offshore drilling rig, Gulf of Mexico. Oil rig type offshore Jack Up drilling rig in The Middle of The Sea drilling offshore well for oil and gas production industry. Working Pumpjacks On Sunset. North Sea Oil and Gas. The silhouette of two oil pumps on a beautiful yellow sunset sky. Oil production well in Siberia. Offshore oil rig in the gulf. Offshore oil rig in east China sea.

Offshore rig pictures

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Oil Rig Worker 1. Offshore drilling for gas and petroleum or crude oil. Working oil pump in deserted district at sunset. Vector isometric oil rig with tank ship on the sea water surface. Oil refinery. Add to collection. Offshore oil platform at sunset. Large Pacific Ocean offshore oil rig drilling platform off the southern coast of California, between Ventura and the Channel Islands. Big Offshore wind-farm with transfer vessel. Oil icons. Wind turbine from aerial view, Drone view at windpark Offshore Wind Turbines At Sunset. Modern thin line icons set of heavy industry, power plant, mining resources. Two roughnecks breaking a connection with help from tongs. Teamwork of business analysts on holographic charts and diagrams.

One more thing they have in common is that they all can wow with impressive size. At , tons, the Bekut holds the record for the biggest in the world, above water.

Semi Submersible rig West Alpha deballasting and ready for rig move in Norwegian harsh weather condition. Oil worker in orange uniform and helmet on of background the pump jack and sunset sky. Construction of production process in the sea. Fracking oil rig at dawn. Graph and analytics data on Add to collection. Petroleum fuel industry offshore extraction derricks line connection dots blue vector illustration. Offshore oil installation. Oil rig in the dramatic scenery. Concept of sustainable development technology. Oil and gas industry. Offshore construction platform for production oil and gas, Oil and gas industry and hard work,Production platform and operation process by manual and auto function, oil and rig industry and operation. Wind turbines in the ocean. Oil Rig royalty-free images , oil rig stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free for download. Silhouette of oil rig at sunset.

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