padme queen

Padme queen

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Last Name. Share this page. Follow Ballotpedia. Padme Amidala was a former queen and senator from Naboo, a planet near the outer rim territories in a galaxy far, far away. Padme Amidala was born Padme Naberrie on Naboo.

Padme queen

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. A political idealist, she advocated for the preservation of democracy as well as a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. However, her secret marriage to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker would have a lasting effect on the future of the galaxy for decades to come. Devoting her life to civic duty, she was elected queen and, therefore, adopted the regnal name "Amidala" in 32 BBY. Due to the machinations of her advisor , Senator Sheev Palpatine , Amidala's reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation 's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. Unable to fight the Federation's army of battle droids without assistance, the queen beseeched the Galactic Senate on Coruscant for help, only to see her efforts hampered by bureaucracy and procedure. Following her reign, Amidala joined the Senate and struggled to resolve the Separatist Crisis through diplomacy, becoming a leading voice in the Loyalist Committee by 22 BBY. After surviving an assassination attempt planned by the Trade Federation, she was removed from the capital and sent back to Naboo under the protection of Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Though the Jedi Code forbade personal relationships, deeming attachment, and possession unbecoming of a Jedi , the two gradually became closer as their feelings for each other grew. In the aftermath of the First Battle of Geonosis , Amidala secretly married her Jedi protector , despite her own reservations about their relationship and the consequences they would face if the truth ever came to light. Their subsequent interactions were limited throughout the Clone Wars, with Amidala continuing to advocate peaceful solutions in the Senate while Skywalker served on the front lines as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic.

During their duel, Vader searched Luke's thoughts and discovered Amidala had also given birth to a daughter. The group focused their efforts on the Petition of 2,which they intended to show Palpatine once it was signed by two thousand [63] fellow legislators. However, padme queen, Amidala forced Ziro to confess his betrayal to Jabba, who promised swift punishment in padme queen.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown. Later in her life, Amidala became the secret wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo , two of the most important figures in galactic history. Amidala was the democratically elected Queen of Naboo before representing the Chommell sector as a Senator in the Galactic Senate.

The cause of her death has remained an active topic of debate and speculation among fans for a long time. I would try ten thousand times. At the age of seven, she was a member of the relief group that travelled to the Outer-Rim planet, Shadda-Bi-Boran, to relocate its population before its decimation by a supernova. Unfortunately, the refugees could not adapt to other planets and were wiped out. She was only eight when her strong devotion to public service led her to join and later serve as the junior senatorial adviser at the Apprentice Legislature, which was an organization for politically-inclined youth formed under the Galactic Republic. At the age of twelve, she participated in the Legislative Youth Program and also started a mandate as the supervisor of Theed.

Padme queen

Despite her ideals and all she did for the cause of peace, her secret, forbidden marriage to Jedi Anakin Skywalker would prove to have dire consequences for the galaxy. With the taxation of trade routes in dispute, the Trade Federation set up a blockade of battleships around the star system, stopping all shipping to the planet. Back on Naboo, the young Queen made an unprecedented request of the native Gungans to form an alliance.

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After Anakin returns from rescuing Palpatine, she informs him that she is pregnant. Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi. After the Republic forces located survivors, Wolffe reported the news to Senator Amidala and Master Yoda, who were pleased to learn that many had lived through the disaster. After he disconnected, Sanandrassa advised Amidala that Palpatine was her best resource. And because I'm trying to protect him. CT , Jan 16, She said, "My cousins had always been obsessed with the films, yet I hadn't even seen them before I got the part. Regardless, I thought the voice-over was cool and was disappointed that it didn't return in some way. Amidala was taken to the palace dungeon, where she was able to trick the droids into activating her communicator, alerting her assistant C-3PO to her predicament before the droids destroyed it. As she arrives on Coruscant to cast her vote, assassins hired by the Separatists attempt to kill her. Master Jinn promptly accepted the offer, but Amidala criticized his actions; although she did like Skywalker, she thought it was unwise to place the fate of Naboo in the hands of a nine-year-old boy. Amidala witnessed Emperor Palpatine's declaration that her fears had come true; the Republic had become the Galactic Empire. Amidala nervously tried to avoid being searched by Cad Bane's crew, in case they came across the lightsaber. Following the completion of Thrawn's and Skywalker's test, the Chiss crafted a cord from the clothing he got from the Larkrer and unlocked their cells from the inside.

The stiff brown tunic and pants—the clothes she'll die in—are a far cry from the regalia worn by the Queen of Naboo.

ANU Mongolia Institute. The Jedi and a squad of clones then captured and held Vindi for trial. After the birth of the Empire, Amidala was visited by Obi-Wan Kenobi who revealed to her that Skywalker had turned to the dark side and that he needed her help in stopping him. Later, Amidala welcomed her secret husband home for a rare moment away from their duties, but was embittered when Anakin had to leave her for an urgent meeting with the Jedi Council. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. With her dying breath, she insisted that there was still good in the former Anakin Skywalker, who embraced the persona of Darth Vader throughout the reign of the Empire. She departed with Captain Korbel on her yacht that night and successfully rescued Organa and Kenobi, all Sith presence on the planet destroyed. But her husband's fall to the dark side had broken her heart, causing her to lose the will to live, which, coupled with the strain of giving birth to her children, resulted in her death. However, when they survived their attempted execution, she and Skywalker could no longer deny their love. However, Sing escaped capture. While Tri'vak begged the Hutt for mercy, Ventress stabbed the senator in the back and used her lightsabers to shatter a nearby window, leaping out into space and escaping in her Ginivex-class fanblade starfighter. Prompted by a vision of his mother, Shmi, Skywalker and Amidala left Naboo and traveled to Tattooine.

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