parrish teen wolf

Parrish teen wolf

In Season 4Parrish investigates a series of murders that are revealed to be assassinations. He meets Lydia Martinthen learns he is on the hit list called the Deadpool.

Parrish is shown to be possessed by a " Hellhound " in Season 5. He was part of the military and trained with a "Hazardous Device Team," meaning he dealt with bombs and explosive materials. While disarming an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan, Parrish was caught in the explosion which should have killed him. However, Parrish walked away unharmed but with burnt clothes. The young deputy found himself caught in the mitst of a Nogitsune's twisted game, a Dead Pool , and a Werejaguar 's revenge scheme. These events had him grow closer to Sheriff Stilinski in his short time on the force.

Parrish teen wolf

He made his first appearance in the second half of the third season as a newly hired Sheriff's deputy at the Beacon County Sheriff's Station , where he worked under the leadership of Sheriff Noah Stilinski. After several weeks of working at the department, Parrish admitted to Stilinski that he moved to Beacon Hills because he felt drawn there , which was the first indication that he wasn't as ordinary as he seemed. During this time, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Sheriff, acting as Stilinski's second-in-command. This suspicion that Parrish was something more was confirmed in Season 4 , when his name appeared on the Deadpool hit-list at the beginning of , confirming that he was indeed a supernatural creature, though he had no idea what kind he was. However, Parrish miraculously walked away from the fire with no injuries, though he was covered in soot and had all of his clothing burned off in the process. Parrish quickly joined Scott McCall and his pack , and in Season 5A 's Status Asthmaticus , it was eventually discovered by Lydia Martin during her research that Parrish was, in fact, a Hellhound , a spectral dog that is said to ride with the Wild Hunt of Germanic folklore and is known for being a guardian of supernatural places. However, since Lydia was driven into catatonia by Theo Raeken 's attack shortly after this discovery, Parrish did not officially learn his supernatural identity until Season 5B 's The Sword and the Spirit , when Gerard Argent confirmed it by attempting to set him on fire, which triggered him to reveal his Hellhound fangs for the first time. In A Credible Threat , it was revealed that the Hellhound is actually an amortal being who is beyond life and death and who can possess vessels when it is needed on Earth. The Hellhound, who is known as Cerberus and many other names, possessed Parrish when he was blown up in an explosion while serving in Afghanistan, which happened to occur at the exact moment that Scott McCall , Stiles Stilinski , and Allison Argent drowned themselves in the surrogate sacrifice ritual in Alpha Pact. Though the Hellhound claimed Parrish was dead, it was implied by Lydia who, as a Banshee , knows when a person is dead or dying and who the person is through premonitions that he had not truly died due to Cerberus' regenerative healing ability , and that it could be possible for the Hellhound and Parrish to work together to fight the Beast of Gevaudan. As Lydia predicted, Parrish and Cerberus ultimately merged themselves together, working as one unit instead of Cerberus taking control when Jordan was asleep and not allowing Parrish the conscious use of their powers. It was with the help of Parrish and his newly gained Hellhound abilities that the McCall Pack was able to finally defeat and kill the Beast once and for all. In Season 6 , Parrish continued to help the members of the McCall Pack in fighting against the Ghost Riders of the Wild Hunt , who had arrived to Beacon Hills in order to capture its citizens and make them into more of their kind. Unfortunately for Parrish, his connection to the Hunt as a Hellhound caused him to be controlled by them, nearly freeing one of the Ghost Riders from a trap. However, after Stiles escaped the Wild Hunt's control, he used liquid nitrogen to return Parrish to his true self and freed him from the Hunt's control.

Some time later, Lydia came to visit Parrish at the Beacon County Sheriff's Stationwhere she brought him a hardcover copy of the Argent Family Bestiaryinforming him that whatever creature Parrish is could be in there and admitting that she would lamicall to help him figure out his supernatural identity, parrish teen wolf. In the second half of the final season, Parrish parrish teen wolf a large role in helping the pack and the rest of the supernatural community fight against the ancient shapeshifter known as the Anuk-ite and the Hunter army created due to the fear the creature induced of the supernatural community in Beacon Hills and across the globe.


Main Article: Jordan Parrish. Jordan expresses his frustration to Sheriff Stilinski for being given less important tasks and he is sent to investigate a noise complaint at a house. He is badly injured by a unnamed creature, but he eventually heals. Read More He and Lydia Martin investigate a girl who is prone to night terrors that may be related to the supernatural. He escorts Donovan to a prison transport and later helps Stilinski with explaining to the criminal what happened. He tells Lydia about a dream he had involving him and the Nemeton. He takes a body to it and burns it and later does it again in real life. He begins training Lydia in close quarters combat, and it's through this training that Lydia has flashbacks related to the Dread Doctors. Parrish is ordered to guard the latest chimera body at the morgue along with a number of other deputies.

Parrish teen wolf

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Deputy Jordan Parrish is a supporting and recurring character on the supernatural drama Teen Wolf. Parrish is ex-military and trained as part of a "Hazardous Device Team" meaning he dealt with bombs and explosive materials. The young deputy has grown closer to Sheriff Stilinski in his short time on the force. The sheriff now trusts him and seeks his help with all aspects of the supernatural. Jordan is an ally of the McCall Pack and appears to have both an emotional and supernatural connection as well as possibly a romantic connection to Lydia Martin, who, as a Banshee, is a harbinger of death just like him. Parrish makes his first appearance when Stiles goes missing in "Riddled". In "Letharia Vulpina", Parrish operated on a suspected bomb disguised as a birthday present left on the school bus, to determine if it is a bomb. He manages to distract the student Jared, the one holding the potential explosive while he was opening it by chatting with Jared to take his mind off of the present situation.

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The driver of the truck that Scott and Stiles pursued was named Nick Mazara and has a record of petty theft and dealing drugs but nothing violent. That day, Parrish tells Stilinksi why they couldn't find Tracy Stewart , it was due to the fact that she was killing her psychiatrist thew previous night. At Eichen House , an orderly was in the middle of unlocking Meredith's door so that Parrish, Stiles, and Lydia could see her when the head orderly, Brunski , caught him and admonished him before he could do so. You can help Teen Wolf Wiki by expanding it. Jordan Parrish. Later on, after Meredith admitted to Lydia that she would only explain herself to Peter Hale , Parrish seemingly went to find the middle-aged Werewolf and brought him to the station so he could question Meredith himself. However, before Parrish can ever get close, the rider shoots him, his once bright orange glow turns green, as he reverts to human. Though Haigh was less than sympathetic toward Derek's confusion, Parrish ordered Haigh to stop before stepping in and treating the young Werewolf kindly, assuring him that if he needed help, they could provide it. The corridor led to a room that had long, clear curtains of plastic sheeting in the threshold, and when they made their way into the next room, they found that the reason why it was so cold was because it was a game locker of some kind. Some time later, Parrish was seen patching into the computer program in the wrist communicator and informed them that he thought he had found an IP address for the last place The Mute used Wi-Fi on the device. In IU , he is still a deputy and in a relationship with Malia Tate which he isn't sure if is only sexual or romantic.

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The next night, Parrish witnessed one of the Oni materializing out of the shadows before attacking one of his fellow officers with their ninjato swords. While in the tunnels with Chris , he receives a message telling him that Lydia has been badly hurt. Parrish thanks Mason for his statement on finding the body and sends them both away. When Parrish goes to the sewer to save Chris, his eyes flash an orange color while they strain to bend the rebar that will release Chris from captivity. This led Argent to pull out a single bullet he had created with yellow wolfsbane , which he put in the chamber of his Desert Eagle and prepared to fire it at his sister Kate. Despite his age, Parrish displays great fortitude, has strong protective instincts like Sheriff Stilinski and Scott McCall and is strong-willed having shot a criminal dead in defence of a third-party victim, Brunski when he was about to murder Lydia Martin. As Brunski laid dying, he revealed that he wasn't The Benefactor, but Meredith, who had faked her death, causing Meredith to appear out of the shadows behind Parrish and confirm that Brunski told the truth. When he was about to put Violet in the back of his cruiser, he was stopped by Special Agent McCall , and he listened as Agent McCall questioned Violet on her use of a thermo-wire garrote disguised as a bolo necklace, which has apparently been used in at least a dozen murders by a pair of assassins known as The Orphans, which the FBI had been investigating for some time. In The Sword and the Spirit. In IU , he is still a deputy and in a relationship with Malia Tate which he isn't sure if is only sexual or romantic.

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