perseus greek dictionary

Perseus greek dictionary

Post by bingley » Sun Aug 10, am. Post by Keesa » Sun Aug 10, pm. Post by vinobrien » Mon Aug 11, am.

He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon , the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. Because of the obscurity of the name "Perseus" and the legendary character of its bearer, most etymologists presume that it might be pre-Greek; however, the name of Perseus's native city was Greek and so were the names of his wife and relatives. There is some idea that it descended into Greek from the Proto-Indo-European language. Pers-eus therefore is a "sacker [of cities]"; [3] that is, a soldier by occupation, a fitting name for the first Mycenaean warrior. The further origin of perth- is more obscure. Herodotus [7] recounts this story, devising a foreign son of Andromeda and Perseus, Perses , from whom the Persians took the name.

Perseus greek dictionary

Classical Mythology. Sam Worthington brought a new machismo to the role of Perseus , once played with androgynous flare by Harry Hamlin. After all, Garnache's appearance was hardly suggestive of the role of Perseus which had been thrust upon him. Whoever looked at Medusa was turned into stone, but Perseus , by the aid of enchantment, slew her. To this city Perseus had repaired with the view of distinguishing himself among the combatants. To this monster Polydectes sent the young Perseus , feeling sure that he would never return home alive. It contains the eclipsing binary, Algol, and a rich cluster of galaxies. A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga. All rights reserved. A hero of classical mythology who killed the Gorgon Medusa. The god Hermes and goddess Athena helped him in this brave deed by giving him winged shoes, a magical sword, and a polished shield. With the help of these, he swooped down on Medusa from the air, used the shield as a mirror, and cut off her head without looking at it directly — for anyone who looked at a Gorgon turned to stone. Martin's Summer Rafael Sabatini. Milton's Comus John Milton. The Necessity of Atheism Dr.

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Update May 21, The old server has now been unplugged. Rest in peace, emile. Please use the PhiloLogic4 links below. If you have been a contributor to the project, do get in touch if you'd like advanced access to old features: Leave a note in the problem reports to this effect and don't forget to give an email address. Update May 14, We did say up above, "Final Season", didn't we? No kidding.

Orthography: Full diacritics No diacritics Transliteration. Your query: Type in any combination of criteria to formulate a new search. As you type in search fields, you will see a summary appear right here. To see a full list of available texts, leave all fields blank and hit 'Search the Texts'. To go directly to a particular text or passage, you can enter a citation in the 'Citation Lookup' box above. Philologic Information and Help Welcome to Philologic. Here are some tips to make your visit more productive: Morphology and Lemmatization : You can now search by morphological characteristics and by lemmatized form. Do this with the formula pos: or lemma: E. New: An easier way of searching is with the form: query.

Perseus greek dictionary

Update May 21, The old server has now been unplugged. Rest in peace, emile. Please use the PhiloLogic4 links below.

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Only small fragments remain, though an epitome compiled by Hermelaus has survived. The quality of the entries varies significantly. As the witches passed their eye from one to another, Perseus snatched it from them, holding it for ransom in return for the Gorgons' location. Eurystheus , Alcyone , Medusa. For classicists, some sites to visit as good clearing houses for this kind of information are Chuck Jones's Ancient World Online , Neel Smith's Vitruvian Design blog, and stoa. Texts and their translations live in the same databases. This is most exciting and innovative feature of Tesserae in my opinion. We know this because the search field always requires a complete word, and we have ended our word with '-' and not with a wild card. It is located in the east in the winter at about the Latitude N. We hope to bring back advanced searching and navigation soon. Achaemenid Persians. If you are a faculty member, staff, student, or administrator at an institution of higher learning, get informed about Open Access, Open Content and the Creative Commons. Whoever looked at Medusa was turned into stone, but Perseus , by the aid of enchantment, slew her. Further details may exist on the talk page.

All Search Options [ view abbreviations ]. We have now completed work on Beyond Translation a draft white paper on this work that has been submitted to the NEH Office of Digital Humanities is available here and are focused on using the Beyond Translation work as part of an update to the Scaife Viewer. The resulting system will finally allow us to replace Perseus 4.

They only indicated pauses and breathing for oral recitation. I should stress again that you should 1 make sure that the text on Perseus matches the text used in your course and 2 follow your course text in the event of discrepancies. October In the Bibliotheca , [18] the inevitable occurred by another route: Perseus did return to Argos, but when Acrisius learned of his grandson's approach, mindful of the oracle he went into voluntary exile in Pelasgiotis Thessaly. Greek Texts are right here. Before setting out on his quest, Perseus prayed to the gods and Zeus answered by sending two of his other children — Hermes and Athena — to bless their half-brother with the weapons needed to defeat Medusa. This is probably as good a moment as any to point out that our parser and our search engine do not know Greek or even Latin syntax! It is important to understand that a PhiloLogic search form is not like a Google search box. So the form correctly parsed should be the second option: noun pl fem acc. Both are now lost. The Heraclides, or descendants of Heracles, successfully contested the rule of the Atreids. I can pick these problems out because of all the time I spent learning forms and reading Greek without Perseus. Post by Keesa » Sun Aug 10, pm. This initial formulation, however, would miss accusatives that are also comparatives or superlatives. Part of a series on.

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