Phillip and dell real-life pictures

But while The Upside has had a long road to American movie screens, it is far from the first time the story's been told, with origins in the true story of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo. Philippe, the son of a French duke, became quadriplegic following phillip and dell real-life pictures paragliding accident in At first, he didn't adjust well to his disability, phillip and dell real-life pictures, once attempting suicide by wrapping his oxygen tube around his neck. But his spirits turned around after hiring Abdel Sellou, a recent Algerian immigrant and former criminal who had only applied for the job to fulfill the income support requirements of his French visa.

The Upside movie is based on a true story where ex-con Abdel and a French quadriplegic millionaire became real friends and changed each other's lives. A true story about a quadriplegic champagne executive might not immediately grab you, but his unusual - and touching - friendship with his ex-con carer will. Philippe admits he was "born with a silver spoon" in his mouth, he is the second son of French duke after all. He was enrolled in the best schools in France, worked as a manager at Moet and Chandon, before taking on the role as director for Pommery. Distracted by thoughts of the workers he had laid off when forced to close a subsidiary in Switzerland, his attention slipped and he crashed. He broke his spine, and his injuries left him a quadriplegic, meaning his arm and legs were paralyzed.

Phillip and dell real-life pictures

Philippe Pozzo di Borgo isn't exactly a household name, and not many people would want to see a movie about a champagne executive. What would inspire such a critically acclaimed and commercially successful cast to tell his tale? A French aristocrat, di Borgo came from wealth and status on both sides of his family and seemed to have it all. However, after an unfortunate accident, he became a quadriplegic. His recovery was not easy and he fell into a depression. He hired Abdel Sellou, a man with a past as a con man, to be his caregiver. The two struck up an unlikely connection that blossomed into a friendship that allowed both men to transcend their troubled histories. The two formed a real-world bond worthy of memoirs and movies. While time will tell where the film The Upside will land among the best movie remakes ever, the true story behind how diBorgo and Sellou crossed paths has the hallmarks of an all-time great friendship. Di Borgo had been paragliding for years and considered himself an expert. The sport requires a glider to launch off of a cliff or other high point and glide to the ground using a large parachute. However, he was distracted thinking about a difficult business decision that involved laying off a number of workers at a Swiss subsidiary of Pommery, and he wasn't in very good spirits. As a result of his divided attention, di Borgo crashed, breaking his spine and becoming a quadriplegic in the process.

Rating: PG He hired Abdel Sellou, a man with a past as a con man, to be his caregiver. So, he has a problem.

The film follows a paralyzed billionaire Bryan Cranston who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a recently paroled convict Kevin Hart whom he hires to take care of him. An English-language remake was first announced in July Filming began in Philadelphia in January The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Dell convinces the officers that he is rushing Philip to the emergency room; Philip grudgingly plays along, and the two are escorted to the hospital. Six months earlier, Dell meets with his parole officer and needs signatures to prove he is seeking a job or he will be held in violation of his parole. He enters a building seeking a job in the penthouse home of Philip, a wealthy quadriplegic, who has lost the will to live.

The Upside is a heartwarming comedy-drama film that tells the story of a paralyzed billionaire named Phillip Lacasse and his unlikely friendship with his ex-convict caregiver, Dell Scott. The movie is based on a true story that took place in France, where Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou the real-life inspiration behind Phillip and Dell forged an extraordinary bond that transcended their different backgrounds. In the real-life story, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo was a wealthy French businessman who, in , suffered a paragliding accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. He was left feeling hopeless and depressed until he met Abdel Sellou, a young man from the projects who had recently been released from prison. Despite their vastly different upbringings, the two men quickly found common ground and formed a close friendship that woud change both of their lives forever. The bond between Philippe and Abdel was not without its challenges, as the two men came from vastly different worlds and had very different personalities.

Phillip and dell real-life pictures

The Upside movie is based on a true story where ex-con Abdel and a French quadriplegic millionaire became real friends and changed each other's lives. A true story about a quadriplegic champagne executive might not immediately grab you, but his unusual - and touching - friendship with his ex-con carer will. Philippe admits he was "born with a silver spoon" in his mouth, he is the second son of French duke after all. He was enrolled in the best schools in France, worked as a manager at Moet and Chandon, before taking on the role as director for Pommery.

Greek on wheels

His counselor had encouraged him to apply for the position. The previous film, The Untouchables, and the Memoirs get across that Abdel was also a womaniser, but he settled down and now has three children. Shortly after the publication of the book that would later inspire The Intouchables and its many remakes, Philippe and Abdel went on holiday to Morocco, where Abdel ended up meeting the woman whom he would eventually marry. These adventures with the two men offer a lot of charm and humor to the movie. The two struck up an unlikely connection that blossomed into a friendship that allowed both men to transcend their troubled histories. Editions: U. But after marrying his first wife in , the real couple would later adopt a son and a daughter, both of whom were originally born in Columbia. He gives Anthony a book he stole from Philip's library. Production Company: Lantern Entertainment. Vladimir Putin. This gag is one example of the way the two unlikely friends solidified their bond over the years.

The Upside true story reveals that the real-life paragliding accident happened in the Savoyard reliefs of Mont Bisanne in the Swiss Alps in when Philippe was As a result, he crashed.

He was 42 years old at the time of the accident. Runtime: minutes. As an adult, the real Philippe worked as the director of the Pommery champagne house located in Reims, France. He uses the joystick by his chin to control his power wheelchair. Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian wrote "The whole affair is misjudged and sickly sweet" and gave it one out of five stars. A huge box office success in France, The Intouchables was remade twice in , in Argentina as Inseparables and India as Oopiri, before the American remake. Story Saved. Philippe admits he was "born with a silver spoon" in his mouth, he is the second son of French duke after all. Dell and Philip begin to bond, and Philip tells Dell that he was paralyzed in a paragliding accident, and reveals the pain of losing his wife. He was enrolled in the best schools in France, worked as a manager at Moet and Chandon, before taking on the role as director for Pommery. This is the guy I need. Sports Betting. Deadline Hollywood. It served as the source material for the French film Les Intouchables a decade later. The affection and budding romance between Yvonne and Bryan Cranston's character in the movie is fictional.

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