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Photos mecs sexy

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By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. But the impact of the notable first show of gay erotica in the Arab world still lingers -- and gives hope for more open expression in this new year. Munir, born in in Beirut, is a Tai Chi instructor and a photographer. In the eighties, Munir abandoned his studies in cinematography to pursue and devote himself to male nude photography. He is a cinephile, a devout reader of comics and graphic novels, and art enthusiast; these three passions are a major influence in his work. Due to the nudity and homosexual content of his pictures, Munir only considered starting showing his work in This is his first solo exhibition.

Photos mecs sexy

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. Pictured: Ryan Jackson. Read about the photographer below. Lee Poulin of Steel Photographs is gifted at finding the perfect natural light to bring out the best in his subjects. He also knows that he helps these men see themseleves, often in a new light. We asked him to tell us about his work:. I always had an eye for composition, but I never really understood how to take a photo. About 3 years I invested in a good camera and starting teaching myself about photography. I asked friends of mine to shoot so that I could practice as much as possible and keep playing with ideas.

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