pictures of connie stevens today

Pictures of connie stevens today

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Pictures of connie stevens today


Filter by agency collections. When she gets home she will start filming ''Stand up and be counted'' which is about Women's Lib. Jones' screening at Laemmle's Sunset 5 Theater.


Born as Concetta Rosalie Ann Ingolia in Brooklyn, New York City, Connie Stevens was raised there until age 12, when she was sent to live with family friends in rural Missouri after she witnessed a murder in the city. In , at age 15, Stevens relocated with her father to Los Angeles, California. Stevens began her career in , making her feature film debut in Young and Dangerous , before releasing her debut album, Concetta , the following year. Stevens continued to appear in film and television throughout the s and s, as well as performing as a musical nightclub act. In , she made her directorial debut with the feature film Saving Grace B.

Pictures of connie stevens today

But Connie has done so much more than just perform on stage — she has worked as a producer, screenwriter and also created a successful cosmetic empire. But what does this legendary lady do today? And how does she look? Her father was a musician and her mother a singer. Growing up in Brooklyn was pretty tough and young Connie moved around a lot. When she was 12 years old, Connie witnessed something terrible in Brooklyn — she saw a person being knifed to death.

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Los Angeles, CA. At least one of these words. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Vaughn Youtz. Next page. Search for images Search for stock images, vectors and videos. The information provided will be included in your download confirmation. At least one of these words. Download Confirmation Please complete the form below. All Ultimate Vital Uncut Foundation. Refine Cancel. Forgotten your password? Over 6.

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