Pictures of siren head

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The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to the lore, setting, plot, characters as well as useful images. Newcomers and old users, please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits! Note that the following pictures are not in chronological order of the posts with Siren Head, and that some pictures may be missing. Trevor Henderson Wiki. Trevor Henderson Wiki Explore. Top Content.

Pictures of siren head


All Creative Fields. Samar Ali.


The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to the lore, setting, plot, characters as well as useful images. Newcomers and old users, please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits! Siren Head is a fictional-being created by the Canadian artist respectfully known as Trevor Henderson. It is a 12 meters tall humanoid creature with a heavily emaciated, near-skeletal frame covered in dried, mummified flesh with a color similar to rusted metal. Capable of emitting various noises both natural and man-made, including sirens, radio broadcasts, white noise, and human voices. Siren Head is distinctly known for its tall stature which stands feet tall and its iconic sirens, which takes the place of its head. This creature is known to be hostile and hunts people as if they were prey, although it usually hangs around in rural towns and wooden areas.

Pictures of siren head

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Start reading. Siren head belongs to Trevor Henderson! You can find him over on Instagram! A boy who traveled into a forest with 4 others, friends from high school, teenagers at that, and became lost in the woods that the Female Siren head stocks! He lost everyone by day 87! An now he's the only one left! How long will he survive! Can he survive!?

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Siren Head 5 Blue 7BF4D6. Pink D9C. Skatehead 1 Siren Head Game UI 1 Hamza Tajjamal. Orange D97F Pink 5AE. Top Content. Adrian Gari. Patron Saints Giants Canon Creatures. The original image of Siren Head, standing on top of a hill in a graveyard.

The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to the lore, setting, plot, characters as well as useful images.

Pink CF12D9. Zain Baig. Red F47B7B. Fe 50mm F1. Green 0D9C Sirenhead family matters 1 Siren Head at the end of a dark and gloomy forest trail. Godzilla vs Sirenhead icon 34 Purple D2B8F9. Patron Saints Giants Canon Creatures. A possible sub-species or different appearance of Siren Head with 5 sirens, moving along a dark neighborhood after killing a number of people.

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