pine hills lightning baseball club

Pine hills lightning baseball club

It is the 4th largest baseball club in Australia and second largest after the Redcliffe Padres in Queensland. In the club was formed, originally known as the Mitchelton Unicorns.

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Pine hills lightning baseball club

Email: pinehillscoachingstaff gmail. Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club has around playing members and teams throughout all age groups. The club started from humble beginnings as the Mitchelton Unicorns, in before relocating to the James Drysdale Reserve at Bunya in Over the past 25 years, the club through the strong support of the Queensland Government and Moreton Bay Regional Council has worked together to build the grounds and modern facilities members now enjoy. Boasting an international standard main diamond, we are capable of hosting international traveling teams. Supporting our fields is a 3-lane hitting cage and 6-man bullpen for pitchers and a fully licensed canteen for game day. The Moreton Bay Regional Council has also agreed to the development of a 2nd International Standard field to finish being built. This new field has all the base works undertaken and is visible upon visiting the field. Job Availability We are looking for a catcher with proven success at the collegiate or professional level. Must have stats and video. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website.

Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club has around playing members and teams throughout all age groups.


How to register 2 step process :. Click on the Registration link below. Select your age level from the menu and pay affiliation fees only. Club fees will be invoiced separately. Complete your order through the Game Day portal. An invoice will be emailed to you to pay Club Fees in the week that follows.

Pine hills lightning baseball club

Privacy Policy. Terms of Use. Our Service. Our Partners. Case Studies. We would love to share with you information about our latest product releases, industry news, updates and product offers through our monthly newsletter.

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Necessary Necessary. Easy to use Registration forms. How We Work. Greater Brisbane League Northside. Sign up to our newsletter. Over the past 25 years, the club through the strong support of the Queensland Government and Moreton Bay Regional Council has worked together to build the grounds and modern facilities members now enjoy. Supporting our fields is a 3-lane hitting cage and 6-man bullpen for pitchers and a fully licensed canteen for game day. In the club was formed, originally known as the Mitchelton Unicorns. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. About Our Club. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

It is the 4th largest baseball club in Australia and second largest after the Redcliffe Padres in Queensland.

That same month the Aspley Leagues Club opened a new entertainment complex at the Bunya reserve. Club History The club started from humble beginnings as the Mitchelton Unicorns, in before relocating to the James Drysdale Reserve at Bunya in We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Paul had played juniors at Pine Hills and seniors at Windsor and was a dedicated player for both clubs. Book a demo today. Flexible payment options. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We are looking for a catcher with proven success at the collegiate or professional level. Match Official Management. These cookies do not store any personal information.

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