plastic man

Plastic man

This character has been published in several solo series and has interacted with other characters such as Batman and many others in the mainstream DC Universe as a member of the Justice League. One of Quality Comics' signature characters during the Golden Age of Comic BooksPlastic Man can stretch his body into any imaginable form, for example a ball plastic man a car, plastic man, etc.

He usually hid behind a smile and a joke, but was a very powerful member of the Justice League of America. Main article: Plastic Man Vol 3. Some years ago, [1] the criminal known as Eel O'Brian, along with his gang of underlings, broke into and attempted to rob Cole Chemical, but the police arrived on the scene. While Eel and the others fled, he was shot by a cop and exposed to an unknown acid. He managed to make it outside but collapsed, unconscious from the pain.

Plastic man

He was shot by a guard, and exposed to a strange acid. His gang abandoned him, and he wandered the streets while his powers developed, terrifying passers-by, who thought he was some sort of monster. Initially unaware of his predicament, his realization of his situation caused him to become despondent, to the point of attempting suicide. Before he could jump he was interrupted by Woozy Winks , a recently-released mental patient. The pair quickly decided to turn Eel's new powers into an opportunity for profit, and at the toss of a coin decided that he should become a superhero. He was updated for the post-Crisis universe by Phil Foglio. In his original origin story, Eel O'Brian is rescued following the heist by a group of monks, and chooses to renounce his criminal ways in honour of them. He turned to the side of law enforcement upon discovering the extent of his new powers, though maintained a cover identity as Eel O'Brian for some time before eventually joining official law enforcement agencies. Briefly in the Silver Age Plastic Man was the son of the original Plastic Man, who had accidentally ingested the mysterious acid as a baby. Plastic Man informed Hawkman that he worked for F. I and he had official bussiness: the President of the United States of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt , had dispatched him with an urgent summoning for the Justice Society of America. Plastic Man reasoned that Dodds must be the civilian identity of one of the members. Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths , the character's origin was updated to the current version.

Three months after taking out that gang, he was officially announced as a new recruit along with Huntress, Steel, plastic man, and Zauriel Tower of Babel Minions of Ra's Al Ghul enact countermeasure created by Batman to kill the Justice Plastic man in case they turned rogue. While the Teen Titans story itself does not identify the character, page two of a published script supposedly by writer Geoff Johns ' specifies it is plastic man Man's son, Offspring". Terrific respond to an emergency at Stagg Industries, getting sucked into a portal with Metamorpho leading to the Dark Multiverse.

The adventures of the original stretchable superhero and various other characters. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide.

This character has been published in several solo series and has interacted with other characters such as Batman and many others in the mainstream DC Universe as a member of the Justice League. One of Quality Comics' signature characters during the Golden Age of Comic Books , Plastic Man can stretch his body into any imaginable form, for example a ball or a car, etc. His adventures were known for their quirky, offbeat structure and surreal slapstick humor. When Quality Comics was shut down in , DC Comics acquired many of its characters, integrating Plastic Man into the mainstream DC Universe and giving him a short-lived series in the s. He was also mentioned in an episode of Justice League Unlimited but was never shown owing to ownership arguments and copyright complaints.

Plastic man

He usually hid behind a smile and a joke, but was a very powerful member of the Justice League of America. Main article: Plastic Man Vol 3. Some years ago, [1] the criminal known as Eel O'Brian, along with his gang of underlings, broke into and attempted to rob Cole Chemical, but the police arrived on the scene. While Eel and the others fled, he was shot by a cop and exposed to an unknown acid. He managed to make it outside but collapsed, unconscious from the pain. When he awoke, Eel found that his flesh was elastic, and he had no control over it, morphing into strange and frightful forms. He scared everyone in his path: cops, drunks, and even his own gang, who thought him already dead, and shot him upon seeing his new form. Eel went to a bridge to commit suicide, but he is stopped by Woozy Winks, a former Arkham Asylum inmate. Together, they decided to use O'Brian's new-found powers to fight crime. After exposing a circus outfit to the same acid which gave him powers, O'Brian and Woozy thwarted an attempted robbery by his former gang.

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The pair quickly decided to turn Eel's new powers into an opportunity for profit, and at the toss of a coin decided that he should become a superhero. Eel demonstrates this to the other divided Leaguers by savagely beating Bruce Wayne with a gun in the guise of a mugger to prove Wayne's ineffectiveness, and demonstrate the degree of psychological damage he has suffered due to the split. Alternate versions In , the series was repackaged into a 30 minute version that aired in syndication. Did you know Edit. In the pilot, Plastic Man is voiced by Tom Kenny. United States. Luckily, their work was not for nothing as Lois compiled it all for a news article exposing Mark Shaw to the world. John Stephenson Additional Voices …. After Dr. During this period he becomes close friends with fellow new members Steel due to the fact that they are both "lateral thinkers" and Zauriel Plastic Man later implies in the JLA: Heaven's Ladder graphic novel that his Catholic upbringing is a factor behind this, and Zauriel's existence is a testament to his faith. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. For Plastic Man, this means that his heroic identity devolves into an ineffectual comic relief character, while his civilian identity struggles with the criminal nature that he has been suppressing and the attendant guilt. Disposable Man Earth 29 The Terribles. Patrick O'Brian New Earth. In his original origin story, Eel O'Brian is rescued following the heist by a group of monks, and chooses to renounce his criminal ways in honour of them.

Looking back over the years, DC Comics has made or used some inventive, yet crazy characters.

Plastic Man sometimes called "Plas" later acquired a sidekick called Woozy Winks , a clumsy oaf who was originally a brilliant F. There is no known limit to how far he can stretch his body. Strangely, decades later, Patrick became a good friend of Batman despite Batman's lack of a sense of humor and skepticism towards reformed criminals , and an occasional member of the Justice League. The Obsidian Age Plastic Man duking it out with the Burning Martian Manhunter Along with other members of the Justice League, Plastic Man investigates the disappearance of Aquaman , and eventually travels back several thousand years to ancient Atlantis. Light , which starts a fight between the two, which Vixen breaks up. Did you know Edit. It's untouchable by telepathy. Injustice: Plastic Man appears in this movie adaptation of the comic adaptation of the fighting game of the same name, patterned on Mortal Kombat, even though he does not appear in the video game. He was also mentioned in an episode of Justice League Unlimited but was never shown owing to ownership arguments and copyright complaints. Plastic Man is infected by Eclipso Jean Loring during Countdown to Mystery , who corrupts him and reverts his personality to before he reformed his ways. While trying to get Simon Stagg to close the portal with the help of Plastic Man, Mister Terrific is sucked into the portal with Plastic Man and Metamorpho as Plastic Man shields them from the Dark Multiverse energy which he is immune to. Plastic Man became Ralph Johns and went back to his family in Chicago.

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