poke pet shop

Poke pet shop

Add Loox to your store. Poke Pet Shop Reviews. More details.

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Poke pet shop


It took me a long time to write up everything for the card, but I'm so glad I did this! Great quality, smooth, shiny.


This product option is for those that would like a larger display piece to showcase their new PokePet! About Us. Meet our incredible team below! We animated our team for you to see! From our amazing 3 founders to our artists, marketing, project management, order management, customer service, and content teams! We're lucky to be here because you chose to support us.

Poke pet shop

We are professional artists who love creating unique, one of a kind, original portraits that you will instantly recognize and treasure forever. It's Simple! Just customize your package using the buttons above, upload your photo, leave us a note and leave the rest to us! We only require you to upload one image but recommend uploading 4. The more images we have the more accurate our artist will draw you! Once you've finished choosing your product click on the 'Add to cart' button at the bottom of the page to continue checking out. Our team of artists work as fast as they can. Usually it takes us business days to process your order and create the artwork. If you are ordering a canvas, we will send you an email about your final image. It is required to be approved within the 48 hours.

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It made. Alessandra M. The animation looks just like us, will be coming back to get a canvas!!! The process was straightforward! Came out Amazing!! Lexia L. Skip the line. Tina O. I love it so much that I might order one for myself! Thanks so much! It took me a long time to write up everything for the card, but I'm so glad I did this! The quality looks great and turnaround time was quick. PokePet Canvas. My first pass at describing what we were going just missed the mark.

Ever since my family grew from a one-dog household to a three-dog household this summer, we ' ve all gotten very into our dogs. And with Christmas only weeks away, I spent a big portion of this fall looking for the cutest pet gifts to give to my family. And while lots of companies are making some great products, I find the ones with custom items to be the most exciting, whether you ' re on the giving or the receiving end of them.

Sheena M. Thank you so much for making this PokePet card! Victoria O. I ordered this as a Christmas present for a friend. Came out Amazing!! I really love this! Matthew M. First of all the picture came out amazing, it was far beyond what I was expecting! I went back to the artist and gave better clearer picture and the artist did an amazing job shifting everything into a great keepsake. Acrylic Case. Absolutely love this product! Pokepet really turned my dog into a pokemon, everyone I've shared this with knew it was my dog right away. I had such an incredible experience with Poke Pet Shop!! However, we ordered ours 17 days before our son's birthday and paid extra to make sure it got there in time and it still came 4 days late. Kaitlin P.

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