pokemon black 2 and white 2 walkthrough

Pokemon black 2 and white 2 walkthrough

After selecting New Game you are asked to choose your character's gender. This cannot be changed after selecting. Her lecture is important for new players, though it's nothing new to veterans of the series. She also introduces the player's rival, Hugh.

Welcome back to Unova, in the world of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. Like all Pokemon games, Black 2 and White 2 begin with the local professor giving the usual World of Pokemon speech. In this case, Professor Juniper and her Cinccino preside. Juniper will ask you whether you are a boy or a girl, and what your name is, and then will introduce you to your rival for the game, who you can also name. After a few more words of wisdom, she sends you into the main world. Just as in Black and White, Black 2 and White 2 have seasons that will provide some aesthetic differences depending on the month.

Pokemon black 2 and white 2 walkthrough


Mareep is the first Electric type that you can acquire; with the ability to learn status moves like Thunder Wave and Light Screen, the sheep is a very useful choice for teams. Now head home to Aspertia.


Each page of this guide contains a lot of useful information, that will be very helpful throughout your journey. This section describes how this information is presented, as well as an overview of the walkthrough. As you meet new characters, a short profile on them will be shown on the right of the page. These profile contain an image of the character, as well as their name and brief description of their role in the story. To avoid spoilers, some profiles are less detailed than others. If their encounter rate differs between Black 2 and White 2, this is also noted. Certain Trainers, such as your Rival, have tables separate from the rest, that are located in the relevant area of the page. A Medal given to all Medal Rally participants at the beginning.

Pokemon black 2 and white 2 walkthrough

Welcome back to Unova, in the world of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. Like all Pokemon games, Black 2 and White 2 begin with the local professor giving the usual World of Pokemon speech. In this case, Professor Juniper and her Cinccino preside. Juniper will ask you whether you are a boy or a girl, and what your name is, and then will introduce you to your rival for the game, who you can also name. After a few more words of wisdom, she sends you into the main world. Just as in Black and White, Black 2 and White 2 have seasons that will provide some aesthetic differences depending on the month. The game begins with a panoramic view of your hometown, Aspertia City. A location new in Black 2 and White 2, Aspertia City is located in the far southwest corner of Unova, and has several important locations that the other hometowns in Pokemon games do not have, including a Pokemon Center and a Trainer's school. In the shot, you can see your rival talking to his sister, and your mother walking toward your house. After talking on her Xtransceiver, she enters the house to talk to you, where she instructs you to go to the town overlook to meet Professor Juniper's assistant and receive your first Pokemon.

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After you win, Alder and the School Kids explain some details about moves and types, and then you are free to go. Tail Whip. If you lose, it's not the end of the world at all and nothing bad happens, other than you missing out on the money. She also gives you an extra map to take to her brother, who has already ventured out to Route Mom starts talking to you as you try to leave home. Mareep is the first Electric type that you can acquire; with the ability to learn status moves like Thunder Wave and Light Screen, the sheep is a very useful choice for teams. Juniper will ask you whether you are a boy or a girl, and what your name is, and then will introduce you to your rival for the game, who you can also name. Cheren's general strategy is to use Work Up to boost his Pokemon's stats, then sweep with the boosted moves. Then head north, where Alder will direct you to Route He realizes that he never got a Pokedex from Bianca, so she gives him one as well. Medals are an item new in Black 2 and White 2 that can be collected throughout the game, and have a variety of effects. The man tells you he is a member of Team Plasma, and was going to steal this Herdier, but sees he won't be able to escape now that you've found him. Black 2 and White 2 walkthrough. After receiving your starter, Bianca will give you your Pokedex, and as you leave Rival will come to greet you.

Third entries in each Pokemon generation usually follow the same storyline, occasionally adding new areas, new Pokemon forms and new plot points to the adventure, while combining Pokemon from the preceding two games into one cartridge.

After you win, Alder and the School Kids explain some details about moves and types, and then you are free to go. TM53 Energy Ball. After the battle, Bianca will lead you to the PokeCenter, where she gives you a rundown of everything that is useful in there - a nurse to heal your injured Pokemon free of charge, a PC for storing and managing your party reserves, and a PokeMart where important items such as PokeBalls for capturing Pokemon and Potions for healing Pokemon can be bought. This cannot be changed after selecting. He also has a single Potion that will be used if one of his Pokemon gets too low on health. Outside, you meet your rival, Hugh. However, since it's only the first battle, he doesn't have any moves that can hurt you too badly yet. Hello Guest. Inside, Alder will ask you to battle two School Kids. Her lecture is important for new players, though it's nothing new to veterans of the series. The blackboard itself covers information about each of the major status conditions that can affect a Pokemon, so read up if you are unfamiliar with any of them. Rival Battle. Normal types are only weak to Fighting type moves, but unless you've been doing some serious level grinding with your Riolu or Tepig, you won't have any of those yet. Likewise, Normal moves are not very effective against Rock and Steel types, and are completely useless against Ghost types, but you won't have any of those either. After introducing himself and examining you, he declares that your Pokemon are strong, and invites you to join him in town, then heads out.

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