Pokemon rejuvenation wiki
Rejuvenation is a medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process. Rejuvenation is distinct from life extension. Life extension strategies often study the causes of aging and try to oppose those causes in order to slow aging, pokemon rejuvenation wiki.
Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these services. By Zumi. I'm sure many of you are probably familiar with the Rejuvenation wiki , or at least have tried to look it up before Only to find it rather lacking in its appearance and contents. For a long time the wiki has gone neglected and contained a lot of outdated information about the game.
Pokemon rejuvenation wiki
A list of characters in Rejuvenation. This page lists characters that have been directly involved with the main story, along with the gym leaders. Past Aevium. Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Navigation Main page Random page Recent changes. From Rejuvenation Wiki. Category : Characters. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. More information OK.
Explore the Aevium Region while also defending the land from Team Xen. Clear editor. In fact, we greatly encourage people to help improve the wiki by creating and expanding articles with any information that might be missing, pokemon rejuvenation wiki.
Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these services. V14 has begun development! Existing user? Or sign in with one of these services Sign in with Google. Sign in with Discord.
Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these services. Many decades ago, Aevium was once a united and strong blossoming region. However, the calamity known as Storm-9 tore the region apart. The Aevium Region has lived a time of peace since then. However, the dark and sinister organization, Team Xen, rises from the shadows to destroy what little peace the region has left.
Pokemon rejuvenation wiki
Have you come across things in your numerous journeys that have felt off? But now I'm gonna spoil it. They are whatever gender you decide them to be although this doesn't affect their appearance. They are on their way to Aevium to participate in the Aevium League by traveling on the S. Oceana with Nancy , their mother, when the ship gets hijacked by Team Xen. They manage to safely escape thanks to Nancy's distraction and Tesla , who plucked them off the ship's deck with her Talonflame, safely bringing them to Oceana Pier, marking the start of their journey. The teams shown on this page are for Classic mode. If you want to see the teams for Story Mode, click the button below. Story Mode. Which protagonist is fought depends on the choice of character the player chose to play as.
Screenshots included only semi-related. The current state of testing First up, Jan will be leaving on a holiday for roughly a week starting this weekend! A list of characters in Rejuvenation. Anyway, let's get on with the post! The idea is to get people together and update the wiki with as much information as possible, so people will have a reliable source of information to go to in the case they need to know this. Hi, it's May now. Ryland Gym leader. Because I just can't help myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Jan's words, "it shows a lot but also nothing at all". Once you load up in the right area, you will see this message pop up: After this is done, you're ready to go! A p and p version can be found here! I hope you all enjoy.
Rejuvenation depends on chapters for its story and progression. As of V
Not only is there a lot of new stuff to see and do including some very neat stuff you would probably miss on an old save if you've done most side quests before , it also just doesn't snap your save in half when entering some older areas like it does right now with old, converted saves LOL. It's up to you!!!!!! From Rejuvenation Wiki. Since the emergence of philosophy , sages and self-proclaimed wizards always made enormous efforts to find the secret of youth, both for themselves and for their noble patrons and sponsors. If you're still lost, use our new Quest Log system! Anti-oxidants Anti-aging movement Biohacking Calorie restriction Cryonics Cyborg Exercise Free-radical theory Gene therapy Gerontology Glycation Indefinite lifespan Index of topics related to life extension List of aging processes Longevity escape velocity Mind uploading Nanomedicine Organ printing Rejuvenation Senescence Stem-cell therapy Strategies for engineered negligible senescence Transhumanist politics. Similar experiments show that grafting old muscles into young hosts leads to their complete restoration, whereas grafting young muscles into old hosts does not. My plan's to have it done before V14's release, and I will add it to the print shop when it's done right away. We're working towards the climax of Act 2, and this is something we absolutely do not want people to be spoiled on, so what we'll be sharing will likely be pretty selective. Allen Gym leader. There might be some downsides involved, after all. Rune Teacher. Part of this project is also writing a proper summary for the game's story -- this is something that we know that people have been asking for a long time, so where else would be better to have a summary for both the overall story and each chapter than on the wiki itself? Or we're just keeping them for the next batch bc they're spoilers, lmao. Explore the Aevium Region while also defending the land from Team Xen.
Radically the incorrect information
Do not puzzle over it!