positive legally blonde lyrics

Positive legally blonde lyrics

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You're not losing him to that Both her hair and shoes are flat Why is she so rude? Wipe your tears, it's no big thing You were meant to wear his ring Cheer up, chin up It's time to bring a happy attitude Keep it positive And slap her to the floor Keep it positive As you pull her hair and call her whore You can take her in a fight You and he will reunite You know we're right We're positive, kill her Girls, girls, violence is never wise Not the way to win that guys Anyway she's twice my size Who's gotta plan B? Oh, me, look at her, she's like a nun Showin' you are way more fun Bust out the lap dance and you won You offed the hizzle, gee, what? Keep it positive Yeah, let out your inner freak Keep it positive Miss. Prissy Pants won't last a week You will whet his appetite You and he will reunite You know we're right We're positive, we're positive, we're positive, we're posi Oh, my god, you're making me sick Are we? He's not even here He left while we were shaking junk Wait Girls, I'm positive That we've taken this to far No, I'm positive This is Harvard not a stripper bar All this trashy carrin' on That's the reason now he's gone I need a salon Girls, I'm positive Try not to get upset But I'm positive It's time for me to go brunette, what?

Positive legally blonde lyrics


ELLE: Girls, girls! Who's got a plan B?


Sign In Register. Artist: Legally Blonde. Album: Miscellaneous. Genre: Musical. Dear Elle, he's a lucky guy I'm like, gonna cry I got tears coming out of my nose Mad prop, he's the campus catch You're a perfect match 'Cuz you both got such great taste in clothes Of course, he will propose Dear Elle, honey, mazel tov Future's taking off Bring that ring back And show it to me Four carrots, a princess cut Are you psyched or what? She's doesn't have an engagement outfit?

Positive legally blonde lyrics

Sign In Register. Artist: Legally Blonde. Album: Miscellaneous. Genre: Musical. Honey, whatcha cryin' at? You're not losing him to that Both her hair and shoes are flat Why is she so rude? Wipe your tears, it's no big thing You were meant to wear his ring Cheer up, chin up It's time to bring a happy attitude Keep it positive And slap her to the floor Keep it positive As you pull her hair and call her whore You can take her in a fight You and he will reunite You know we're right We're positive, kill her Girls, girls, violence is never wise Not the way to win that guys Anyway she's twice my size Who's gotta plan B? Oh, me, look at her, she's like a nun Showin' you are way more fun Bust out the lap dance and you won You offed the hizzle, gee, what?

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Jill Halfpenny. Who's got a plan B? Show him you are way more fun. For the community. Wake him up like sleepin beauty. Discover lyrics. Being blonde and being hot That got me exactly squat Gotta to show him I've got more to give No, I'm positive Being positive I'm positive Being positive I'm positive Being positive, being positive, positive. All this trashy carryin' on. He's not even here He left while we were shaking junk Wait Girls, I'm positive That we've taken this to far No, I'm positive This is Harvard not a stripper bar All this trashy carrin' on That's the reason now he's gone I need a salon Girls, I'm positive Try not to get upset But I'm positive It's time for me to go brunette, what? Hey, hey, hey! For partners.


Who's got a plan B? Laurence O Keefe. Discover lyrics. Oh, me, look at her, she's like a nun Showin' you are way more fun Bust out the lap dance and you won You offed the hizzle, gee, what? You feel him. ELLE: I'm positive. Whipped Into Shape. Community Blog. Identify the song's sections. Hey, hey, hey! Wake him up like sleepin beauty.

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