Quote supernatural

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Fifteen years is a long time for a show to be on the air. Fifteen years' worth of seasons being on the air, fifteen seasons of action, emotional beats, and character development, all culminating in a final, epic sendoff. Yet, among all the other greats, something else stands out. During the fifteen years, the dark fantasy series Supernatural was on the air; it amassed a number of the most important thing in any show: quotes. From emotional lines that cut deep to hilarious lines and even random quotes that have become iconic, Supernatural has them and so much more. Updated on July 11th, , by Shawn S. Lealos : Supernatural lasted longer than almost any other fantasy television series in history.

Quote supernatural

Sam is my brother. Mary Winchester is my mom. And Cas is my best friend. And their mom? She died pretty horrifically. No crying about spoilers. Since it ran for an impressive 15 seasons and episodes, there are countless plot twists and — yep — epic Supernatural quotes that could keep your brain turning for days. Another thing to love about the show? It follows some pretty universal themes. From brotherly love to enduring friendship to good vs. Sammy and Dean are wildly different but bonded in a way only brothers can be bonded. Which brings us back around to the 15 seasons worth of seriously great lines. This giant list of Supernatural quotes contains a fraction of our favorites from Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Need more spookiness and scares in your life?

Of course, there are plenty of small moments between Sam and Dean, quote supernatural, little talks that strengthen their relationship and the overall story.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Dean Winchester : We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous. Dean Winchester : Ya' know she could be faking. Sam Winchester : Yeah, what do you wanna do, poke her with a stick? Sam Winchester : Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit.

The best quotes from Supernatural are both haunting and honest. The most memorable quotes from Supernatural give the show an in-depth look into the relationship of the brothers Winchester. The CW's Supernatural is a dark fantasy television series and although it certainly has its more frightening scenes - even those have funny moments and quotes interspersed throughout them. With a group like that they are going to have some great quotes along the way. With that said, which Supernatural quotes are your favorites? Vote up all your favorite lines on this list of Supernatural quotes and help them get closer to the top. Castiel: Sam, Dean, my "people skills" are "rusty. Bobby: Well boo-hoo. I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?

Quote supernatural

The Winchester brothers have gone through some serious rough patches in 14 seasons of hunting monsters. It's only natural they'd have to give each other some serious pep talks along the way just to keep going, not to mention the comforting words they have to offer friends and monster victims. Through monster-of-the-week hunts, deaths of nearly every family member and friend they have, and multiple apocalypses, they've had to motivate themselves and refuel their determination to save people and hunt things. That means plenty of motivational moments for loyal fans as well.

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You can't beat some 80s rock music to get you in the mood for a long drive. Even when it hurts. This quote is not only indicative of how much Dean relies on Sam - and vice-versa even if Sam would not admit it at this time - which, while toxic, is immensely sad and a good representation of so much of what Supernatural is about. Still sticking with condiments? Every time he pops up on the screen and snarkily greets the Winchesters with "Hello, boys", immediately it becomes iconic. Quotes tagged as "supernatural" Showing of 1, Updated: March 23, Martin : Not married to salt. I'm outta here. From emotional lines that cut deep to hilarious lines and even random quotes that have become iconic, Supernatural has them and so much more. She died pretty horrifically. So thank you. And if the wrong person caught wind that she could see and speak to the dead, word would spread through Clay Point like ants at a picnic. Most people think I burn hot. Feel what I feel.

Dean: Yeah, it is. Because the last I heard, you were in heaven's lockup. Bobby: Was.

Lucifer : Why not just serve your own best interests? One of the many talents of Dean Winchester - and Jensen Ackles in the role - is giving inspirational talks about not giving up, not stopping the fight, including this from 'Beyond The Mat. That have someone who takes them as they are. In the end, it was that attitude that won the day over even God himself. His expression was serious, and she had his full attention. It is the history of a personage called Jesus. Sam Winchester : Well, before we go stabbing things into Cooper, we're gonna wanna make damn sure it's him. The line about people is honestly one of the more real lines to come out of the series. This article was originally published on Dec. Dean Winchester : What, revenge? Recently viewed.

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