radio 5 sports

Radio 5 sports

It broadcasts mainly news, sport, radio 5 sports, discussion, interviews and phone-ins. It is the principal BBC radio station covering sport in the United Kingdom, broadcasting virtually all major sports events staged in the UK or involving British competitors. Radio 5 Live was launched in March as a repositioning of the original Radio 5which was launched on 27 August

If a major news story breaks during the live sport broadcasts on 5 Live, the sports coverage may sometimes be redirected and continued on 5 Sports Extra, while 5 Live switches to live news. The station is only available on digital radio , television platforms and BBC Sounds. Due to licensing reasons, international streaming of the station has not been available since 25 July The station began broadcasts at pm on 2 February Juliette Ferrington introduced the first programme — commentary of the Premier League match between Manchester United and Sunderland. In , the station was rebranded in line with the rest of the network. The new BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra logo was turned into a circular based logo in the colour green; according to research, the green colour was chosen as people associated it with sport.

Radio 5 sports


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The programme is on air from Monday to Wednesday 7pm to pm, as well as Thursday and Friday 7pm to 10pm. It is also broadcast at weekends from 12pm until the early evening, depending on the events being covered. The programme was also broadcast on most bank holiday afternoons. Afternoon-long sporting coverage on Sundays, using different names during the Radio 2 era, was introduced in although this was confined to the summer months and it took on a format mixing sport and music. The 5 Live Sport name has been used since The original format featured the major sports events each Saturday afternoon, broadcasting between pm and 5 pm, with updates from the major footballing fixtures and second half commentary on a top match. The location of the commentary game would usually be revealed around 3 pm. Sports Report then followed at 5 pm. During the summer, Sports Report was not broadcast, meaning that Sport on 2 ran from pm and 6 pm, extended to 7 pm during the Wimbledon fortnight.

Radio 5 sports

If a major news story breaks during the live sport broadcasts on 5 Live, the sports coverage may sometimes be redirected and continued on 5 Sports Extra, while 5 Live switches to live news. The station is only available on digital radio , television platforms and BBC Sounds. Due to licensing reasons, international streaming of the station has not been available since 25 July The station began broadcasts at pm on 2 February Juliette Ferrington introduced the first programme — commentary of the Premier League match between Manchester United and Sunderland. In , the station was rebranded in line with the rest of the network. The new BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra logo was turned into a circular based logo in the colour green; according to research, the green colour was chosen as people associated it with sport. Along with the rebrand, Sports Extra became more closely aligned with 5 Live. As a result, the online presence of the station was toned down with only an upcoming schedule remaining; all other details were merged into the 5 Live website or the new BBC Radio online homepage.

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British national radio station. Due to rights restrictions, some programmes are restricted to UK audiences or are not available on the BBC's online services. Wales Cymru Cymru 2. TV Great! Ulster Foyle. Tools Tools. The news of the first day was dominated by the fatal stabbing at Hall Garth School near Middlesbrough , the first of many major incidents which the network covered live as they unfolded. BBC Formula 1. Cumbria Newcastle Tees. BBC Radio 5 Live broadcasts an extremely wide range of sports and covers all the major sporting events, mostly under its flagship sports banner 5 Live Sport. History of Freeview UK. Among the key editorial staff involved in the design of programme formats and recruitment of staff for the new station were Sara Nathan, later editor of Channel 4 News , and Tim Luckhurst , later editor of The Scotsman newspaper and professor of Journalism at the University of Kent. For other stations known as 'Five Live', see Five Live disambiguation. Also, should 5 Live be needed to broadcast news coverage when scheduled sports programmes were to be aired, the sports coverage is shifted to 5 Sports Extra.


Media in the United Kingdom. Download as PDF Printable version. The first audiences were some 4 million, with a record audience of 6. Media in the United Kingdom. Wales Cymru Cymru 2. Cornwall Devon Guernsey Jersey Somerset. As a result, the online presence of the station was toned down with only an upcoming schedule remaining; all other details were merged into the 5 Live website or the new BBC Radio online homepage. For foreign news, first a "generic minute" is recorded, then reports are to BBC World Service radio, then the reporter talks to any other programmes that are on air. Movies Great! For other stations known as Radio 5, see Radio 5. See also List of radio stations in the United Kingdom. Due to rights restrictions, coverage of some events, particularly live sport, is not available online or is restricted to UK addresses.

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