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Genres: ActionAdventureSuperhero. The Charlton Bullseye was a magazine dedicated to the comics put out by Charlton. Published and edited The Amazing Spider-Man

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Weapon X-Men hot 1. Thor


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Harley Quinn KGB 4. Sonic The Hedgehog Crave 4. Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum 2. The Amazing Spider-Man Issue Venom Fire and Ice: Teegra 1. Gargoyles: Dark Ages 6. Dead X-Men 2. Latest update. Star Wars: Thrawn - Alliances 2. Weekly Comic Upload - Feb 7th, 06 Feb.

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Batman Issue The Spectacular Spider-Men hot 1. The Boys Issue The Avengers Superman vs. Green Arrow 9. Subgenre 4. Doctor Strange Superman ' The Metal Curtain 5. Thor The Best of DC Weapon X-Men 1. Shame Issue 3. Joker: One Operation Joker

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