real spanking stories

Real spanking stories

Erotica author and researcher Gabriella Luciano interviewed hundreds of women about their experiences getting spanked by men. From real spanking stories, she distilled this handpicked assortment of the most vivid, extraordinary and extreme stories. From a kinky affair with a demanding professor, real spanking stories, to a bratty executive looking for rough love, to a strict Colombian step-father, to the extremes of domestic discipline, to a raw fling on the dark streets of New York, to spanking addictions of young women looking for love, these candid stories reveal the complex feelings behind the overpowering desire to be spanked.

Dad was a teacher and Mom was a nurse; consequently, my little brother Joey and I had the run of the house and the neighborhood, pretty much unsupervised, while the other neighborhood moms cruised their homes like sharks looking for hapless little fish, or kids getting up to no good. Such liberty came at a price though; with no custodial adult on premise, we each had strictly assigned housekeeping chores to perform after school. One afternoon I got off the school bus alone, thinking Joey had stayed after school for Scouts. I wanted to see what the undead were up to, in the person of Barnabas Collins, he whose jagged bangs so cunningly matched his vampire fangs. He was his usual creepy self, failing, as always, to advance the relentlessly boring story line one iota. I flipped the channel to the Mike Douglas Show and went to do the dishes. But as usual, he proved reliably unreliable.

Real spanking stories

Spanking Stories: Your stories of spankings received, administered, witnessed, assisted or overheard are all welcome and may include:. Discipline Articles: Your discipline articles are also welcome and include:. Encouragement: Please do not be concerned about your writing skills nor even English language proficiency. Your story or article are most welcome. Spanking Life. Home Page. Spanking Stories: Your stories of spankings received, administered, witnessed, assisted or overheard are all welcome and may include: Real-life or fiction Childhood memories Current experiences Female Led Relationship FLR Taken In Hand Male Led Relationship Restraints and bondage Wedding spankings: Before and after Chastity devices Sexuality Forced feminization Post-orgasm spanking Anything else spanking related Discipline Articles: Your discipline articles are also welcome and include: Domestic discipline agreements or contracts Spanking games Discipline Implements: How to select, make and use together with health and safety considerations Methods and techniques The art and elements of delivering a good old fashioned spanking Encouragement: Please do not be concerned about your writing skills nor even English language proficiency. Method 1: File Upload. Please complete the following:. Email Address. Publish Email Address. File Upload. Method 2: Email.

Off limits since we real spanking stories old enough to leave the yard, the slew was a stagnant, murky waterbody, shrouded by weeping willows and mysterious vines. I flipped the channel to the Mike Douglas Show and went to do the dishes. The Spanking.

But last night. Last night was different. Last night was for real. The pile of post had been full of the usual — holiday brochures, offers to take up the latest and greatest financial services, junk mail of every description. A few business-related letters for my company. Hey, anyone can get a parking ticket from time-to-time.

Back in the s, my dad worked for an Anglo-American company. He got friendly with one of his work colleagues over there and invited he and his family to our house in the UK for a holiday. It was great for me because they had children, and one boy was the same age as me. We became best buddies. It helped that she was easy on the eye, and she played a big part in my burgeoning teenage fantasies. The following year the invitation was reciprocated and we went to the US to stay with them.

Real spanking stories

Account Options Ieiet. Sasha Cave. A unique collection of over 44 true spanking accounts. In over 88, words, dozens of people reveal their experiences and feelings. Spankings are vividly described by spankers, spankees and sometimes an amazed observer. True accounts of spankings: erotic, bdsm, play, punishment, discipline, kinky, domestic, and fetish.

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I really truly want to feel the paddle. Nobody knew how deep it was, but we were pretty sure that on sunny days we could make out a submerged pickup truck in the green water, not far from shore. Thanks again for your contribution!! John I am so glad I came across your web site. Last night was for real. We hate hate the physical pain when it is occurring, but psychologically before and after we feel therapeutically healed of some negativity. I never really had parents who cared about where i was or what i was doing until my freshman year of high school. Her newest work is forthcoming in the St. So my need never was filled. Marshy morass? But the time was now. Jonah the Dove. I was only eleven. I live in a rural area and receiving takes a lot of contacts and I often have to travel to receive. Switch Editions?

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A playful teasing scene with my friend Kari. Subscribe Subscribed. More Books by Gabriella Luciano. I live in a rural area and receiving takes a lot of contacts and I often have to travel to receive. From childhood to this day. About me. Ever since childhood I was always spanked with a small strap or a belt, and I can tell you I didn't like it or enjoy it. Bonnie's mother finally told me that if I was going to hang around their house that I would have to obey their rules or be disciplined the same way she disciplined her kids. I never use my belt on you when we play. This was exacerbated when Joey blurted out that he and Tom and Randy had been building a fort down at the swamp. RM - Psychology Teacher I've known many boys who, like you, use the word "need.

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