Red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas

Average customer review: 4. Page: 1 2 3 4 All. Scott R from Kansas City, Missouri.

Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. I was there too. Add Setlist.

Red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas


Fantastic show, high energy. They sounded great but there were a few audio glitches or maybe Anthony stumbled over the lyrics a few times?


Contact Jason Bracelin at jbracelin reviewjournal. Follow jbracelin76 on Instagram. An opera between games? Probably not. The shows cap a grand-opening week of events that will include performances from national acts, Vegas artists and and those from the West Coast. The Irish rockers are playing at the Sphere. Ex-congressional candidate wanted in connection with a Strip slaying turns himself in. Don't miss the big stories.

Red hot chili peppers setlist las vegas

Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. I was there too. Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. You are here: setlist. Aug 6

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Aug 6 I was with my adult children just a great vibe! Dange from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To the Band not playing multiple big hits such as there number two listened to song on Spotify "Under The Bridge". Over , hands down no questions asked. View Gallery Thanks to the Peppers for a great time. Links Songtexte. Don't Forget Me. Tour stats.


I was with my adult children just a great vibe! Robert Johnson's Red hot was a hilarious and vocally difficult song to pull off,Flea was in fine form,and for our sake wore underwear,Rain started to fall during the last song and while the Peppers bade farewell to Atlanta,I think they appreciated the crowd and will come back again. Aug 12 Scott from Boston, Massachusetts. Dange from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Read how we protect your data. Complete Album stats. My favorite band of all time and my first ring tone on my first cell phone and I am so disappointed. I want email news and updates for events in my area! Have always loved them but this concert was definitely not my favorite. Californication Otherside Right on Time. Intro Jam. Spread the word Sound good to you? Left my worries behind. Plus an unforgettable encore!

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