red rose blue wind

Red rose blue wind

Refer to their original series' character pages for other tropes not exclusive to A Red Rose in the Blue Wind. Team Sonic One of the protagonist groups in the story.

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Red rose blue wind

Cover art. It is first published on January 6, Eggman retakes the Space Colony Ark to use for his newfound goal of conquering a new world, and Sonic and the gang join forces yet again to thwart his plans. This plan was successful, and it transports everyone into said new world, Remnant. From there, he and his friends will be entangled in the ensuing battle between Salem and Ozpin, and the consequences that the Eggman Empire's intervention will entail. Much like other crossovers by the same author, it is an Intercontinuity Crossover that pits elements from Sonic's game and IDW comic continuity and other elements from the canonical RWBY, such as the video game Grimm Eclipse. Actually a Doombot : In Chapter 11 it briefly looks like the heroes have captured Eggman, but it's just another of his decoys. Adaptational Badass : Eggman upgrades Metal Sonic with technology from Remnant, including an arm mounted gun and sword , on top of a few forms of Dust. Merlot's mutated Grimm are a lot more dangerous than their Grimm Eclipse versions. For example, the mutated Beowolves have three heads , and regenerate unless decapacitated or utterly obliterated. Later varieties have Dust infused into them to give them elemental abilities. The only exception is Marrow, as being the New Meat he hadn't joined them at that point, but he does shows up during the events of Volume 3 when the Ace-Ops arrive to provide extra security at the Vytal Festival. The Goliath species of Grimm make their canonical debut in Volume 2, while here, the species debuts in the same timeframe as Volume 1, Episodes 6 and 7 Chapter 3 as a Mini-Boss. The Seer species of Grimm didn't make their canonical debut until Volume 4.

Whereas The Shredder and Megatron pretty much establish themselves as the Crossover Villain-in-Chief from the get-go, here, both sides show equally competent planning both against the heroes and each other. Cinder typically fights with a pair of swords called Midnight that combine into a compound bow created with Dust-infused clothing. Big Bad Duumvirate : They're actively working alongside Eggman's forces, red rose blue wind, although time will tell if it'll last.


Catharsis Factor : Eggman putting Cinder in her place whenever she bites off more than she can chew is seen as very satisfying by many readers due to her actions in canon. Continuity Lock-Out : Whereas the story will guide the reader through the RWBY story as part of its Fusion Fic format, Sonic fans would have to be familiar with the main Sonic canon - which means almost every game until Colors, the IDW comics and Sonic Prime - and watch the movies since most of the characterization and backstory is taken from there. Heartwarming in Hindsight The readers really liked the direction the author took Shadow's character, deeply caring about them despite being reserved to his own devices. A year after the fanfic was first published, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog would do just that. This fic would mark the first time the author would work with a franchise that actually has a character featured in Smash 's roster.

Red rose blue wind

As is the case with all "Moments" pages, Spoilers Off applies!!! Sonic defending a village from a horde of attacking Grimm all by himself! He even managed to take down a Nevermore by sending its razor feathers back at it. When the Ace Ops intercept Sonic on his way to Vale, he proposes a race, and manages to easily avoid all their attempts to catch him along the way, including Clover's luck-enhanced capture rod, Elm's rockets, and outpaces Harriet's own Super-Speed.

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Though the story does provide an opportunity for the heroes to slowly clue in on her existence Sonic proposes the idea of an Alpha Grimm that leads other Alpha Grimm; she is the one who controls them all. As mentioned below, he has no issues with brutal interrogation tactics to obtain information, as seen with both Junior and Torchwick. The chapter features no less than four battles with giant robots, on top of the Grimm and other members of Eggman's forces. In exchange for finally destroying Sonic, of course. Salem herself lampshades this to Eggman , stating that Ozpin's paranoia and secrecy will do far more damage to his relationship with Sonic and company than anything she herself could. Awesomeness by Analysis : During his fight with Yang actually a Bioid with his data he quickly notices she doesn't bother dodging most of his attacks, and not only deduces her having a big attack stored up, but her own overreliance on it like Knuckles did. Dual Wielding : His new weapon, Hurricane Gamma, has two energy swords made with Hard-Light Dust combined with a jetpack to boost his flight capabilities. Champion fighter and partner to Jaune. Mimic the Octopus. His Semblance is short-range telepathy, letting him keep up mental conversations with his allies. Princess Rosalina. Fenrir Lokson. Knuckles lectures Yang on her overreliance on her Semblance, as well as her personality flaws that feed into said reliance. A quick way of earning his approval is to demonstrate your destructive capabilities. It's your choice, your life.

As is the case with all "Moments" pages, Spoilers Off applies!!! Orbot points out a they're still on the Ark, and b they can't be in heaven since Eggman's there as well. Cubot: Oh right.

Knuckles and Yang's spar includes the same exchange he had with Sonic during their first fight in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Eggman was with them. Qrow and Winter's fight was a petty, but ultimately harmless way to show the hostility between the two, as well as Qrow's disdain for Atlas forces in general. Stuck in the T.. He uses martial arts to fight with a pair of wrist-mounted blades named Sharp Retribution. This time, the ice powers are back into someone heroic. He also doesn't know that much about how much she cares for her weapon, dismissing it when the real Ruby would've treated it like a pet. General Ironwood even remarks about this to Professor Ozpin, but the latter insists on revealing the entire ordeal about Salem to Sonic and his allies. She finds herself on the receiving end of this in her fight against Rouge, whose hearing not only renders her Semblance useless, but her greater experience as both a spy and fighter lets her avoid all her attacks, something that quickly gets under Neo's skin. Following consistent defeats at the hands of his blue nemesis throughout the years, he intends to establish the Eggman Empire over Remnant. His Semblance is hydrokinesis, letting him control and manipulate water if he touches it.

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