reeces rainbow

Reeces rainbow

Isn't there some kind of licensing process for adoption agencies?

I am absolutely pro-adoption. My first child was adopted from an Eastern European country and we are in the process of adopting from an Eastern European country, with Down's Syndrome, a second time. In fact, my stance on Reece's Rainbow stems directly from being pro-adoption. My children are not from Reece's Rainbow as Reece's Rainbow does not facilitate UK adoptions and I would likely not go through Reece's Rainbow if they did, but that's for later in this post. In this way my opinions aren't meant to be a personal attack on parents who have gone this route for their children.

Reeces rainbow


Reeces rainbow can give you more information on adoption without a photolisting if you so desire and I can give you financial information if you are interested, both in terms of cost breakdown and fundraising etc --I think it's an absolutely incredible thing and I'm mad on my girl. If she can do everything else I highlighted above, it will have all been worth it, reeces rainbow.


American families are being enriched through the adoption of children who are neglected in their native countries. The nonprofit U. The Stouts spent six months going through the process of adopting Paul from Ukraine and brought him home in November. Meg spoke with the Register from a hospital in Salt Lake City, where they are arranging for Paul to have surgery to fix heart defects — a medical challenge that many babies with Down syndrome face. Children with Down syndrome in the United States have access to medical care, educational programs and therapy that can help them grow up, find fulfilling jobs and inclusion in American society. American actor and folk singer Chris Burke and actress Lauren Potter from the hit show Glee , both have Down syndrome and have achieved fame in American pop culture. But overseas, orphans with Down syndrome face malnourishment, neglect and lack of lifesaving medical care.

Reeces rainbow

He likes to listen to music and swing back and forth on a swing. He also likes to play with his toys. Malcom feels best with repetitive daily routines. In therapy, she works on ways to improve her functional mobility, and increase the functional use of her arms.

Bird de la coeur

What it means to have a rainbow baby. I think everyone should do it! I just did not want this site to get a bad rap for a situation they did not make any decisions about. This is a good compromise without feeling like a pardon the expression "bait and switch. Responses from RR to any questions tend to be very defensive with little transparency. I hope in the end it will be worth it all. MHO: The only people who continue to proclaim "love is all you need" are those who haven't done foster or adoptive parenting. While the photolisting has no doubt been an incredible resource for helping children who are in need and raising awareness globally and within the Down's Syndrome community, it raises concerns about the impact Reece's Rainbow will have on the future of adoption out of Eastern Europe. Sometimes permanency helps! Tap Posted November 17, If you check their site, their mission statement is to raise awareness about orphans in other countries and to raise money to reduce the cost of their adoptions. It's concerning if RR knows the rules and continues to disregard them.


Also, as mentioned above RR is not an agency. We were told "no", and that if we pushed for it, dd5 "would be removed from our home, as we would then be seen as a 'non-commited' family". It's good to hear the perspective of people who have experience with these challenging children. Not getting that. And some parents do wonderfully with those children. Responses from RR to any questions tend to be very defensive with little transparency. This is true. Are you then on your own to find an adoption agency that will take you through all of the necessary legal hoops or does Reece's Rainbow have adoption agencies that they recommend or require? I don't believe it's the same family. I believe that is Laurie and others concern. Families can be very loving, well-meaning, and get misled. Honestly I think it depends on the family An 11yo from another home in my agency vs one from a poor orphanage in another country is a HUGE difference.

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