revolut conversion fees

Revolut conversion fees

This version of our terms will apply from 5 February

Live exchange rates. Check live foreign exchange rates, then use Revolut to convert money when the price is right for you. Calculate conversions for most major currencies above. Then go to the Revolut app to exchange 36 currencies. Type in how much you want to send or convert.

Revolut conversion fees

This page consists of two Parts:. This version of terms apply from 16 11 Please click here to see the previous terms that apply until 16 11 This page sets out the payments you can send for free on a Standard plan, and the fees you will pay for any other payments. A fee applies for card transfers. This pricing applies to exchanges in money currencies. If you exceed this limit, you will be charged a fair usage fee on the additional amount. These limits are:. Where possible, the rate, any fee and the total cost will be shown to you in the app before you make an exchange. The only exception, where it is not possible to show you the total cost in advance, is when you make a card purchase that requires an exchange to take place in real time for example, you make a purchase in USD, but you do not have a USD balance, meaning we need to perform the conversion in real time for you. However, after the transaction, you will be able to view the breakdown of the total cost within the app. Whenever you make a money currency exchange using Revolut, we use our Revolut exchange rate, add a fee if one applies , and where possible show you the total cost. We use our own Revolut exchange rate for money currency exchanges.

Costs for administrative seizure to third party holder:. How Does Wise Work?

Reload Method. Add money via bank transfer not including inbound US domestic wire payments. Add money via Domestic Personal Debit Card. This fee will be deducted from the transaction amount. Exact fee will be displayed in app. Add money via Domestic Personal Credit Card. Additional fees from your credit card issuer may apply.

Live exchange rates. Check live foreign exchange rates, then use Revolut to convert money when the price is right for you. Calculate conversions for most major currencies above. Then go to the Revolut app to exchange 36 currencies. Type in how much you want to send or convert. Our currency converter calculator will show you the Revolut exchange rate.

Revolut conversion fees

Add money by bank transfer to your home account in your home country. Add money by bank transfer to a local account outside your home country. However, if you add money with a card that is issued somewhere else e. Add money by Paysafe cash top-up. Free but a delivery fee applies. This feature is subject to card stock availability. If you need to replace a Custom Card, the same fee applies.

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Basic banking services. If you use our payment processing product as a Revolut Pro customer, the below fees will apply to your use of those services. If a fee applies, we'll let you know in the Revolut app before you make the payment. About the Author. Free but a delivery fee applies. In the event of special circumstances, if the deadlines to which we have committed cannot be kept, we will keep you informed of the progress of the processing of your complaint. If you exceed this limit, you will be charged a fair usage fee on the additional amount. The only exception, where it is not possible to show you the total cost in in advance, is when you make a card purchase that requires an exchange to take place in real time for example, you make a purchase in EUR, but you do not have an EUR balance, meaning we need to perform the conversion in real time for you. This can be good for business. On some currencies, as long as Wise receives the total amount in the stated timeframe normally 24 or 48 hours , the rate is guaranteed.


A glossary of the terms used in this document is available free of charge here. Managing the account:. Exchange money. Plus Account. Eastern Europe. If you exceed this limit, you will be charged a fair usage fee on the additional amount. Whenever you make a money currency exchange using Revolut, we use our Revolut exchange rate, add a fee if one applies , and where possible show you the total cost. Through Wise, the more money you send, the more your transfers will cost. Specific operations. The price per card varies depending on the edition and a delivery fee applies. See Schedule A of the Cardholder Agreement for complete details about the fees that apply to your Plan.

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