Robin teen titans go

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Robin calls on his team of Robins, Batman's other sidekicks, when the other Titans are too lazy to fight crime. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Teen Titans Go!

Robin teen titans go

Desperate to lead the best superhero team ever, his perfectionism and obsessive controlling have made him quite unstable at times. The voice actor for Robin in the Teen Titans , Scott Menville , has returned to voice the character. Born to a family of circus performers, Dick Grayson had a tough childhood growing up. As seen in " Dude Relax ", the carnival animals used to bully him nonstop, and, even worse, his parents were killed in a tragic acrobat accident. The mega-rich playboy Bruce Wayne , otherwise known as Batman , adopted Dick and made him his sidekick, Robin also known as the "Boy Wonder". But after realizing that he was a useless loser without powers, the happy-go-lucky hero set out to start a team of teenage superheroes—of which HE would be the leader. Unfortunately, four h opele ss rec ruits enraged Robin so much that several other enlistees deemed him an incompetent leader. Lead by Kid Flash , they mutinied against him, tossing Robin out of his own Tower and into the streets. While he initially wanted to call it quits, the four failures from earlier convinced Robin to embrace his anger and use it to reclaim his team. Intent on never losing his team again, Robin has since then ruled the Titans with an iron fist, punishing any disloyalty or laziness he sees. For Robin, anything less than perfection is absolutely unacceptable, and so his far-from-flawless team is constantly putting him on edge.

Later, he went to confront Plasmus at a waste plant.


Robin real name Richard Grayson [1] [2] is a teenage superhero and the leader of the Teen Titans. He was originally a child growing up at a circus where his parents, The Flying Graysons, worked, but was adopted by Batman following the murder of his parents. Batman trained him to be a fighter, detective, and host of medium-sized holiday gatherings. Robin is a vigilant and born leader who knows when to do the right thing due to his training with Batman, thus being capable of maintaining control and order over the Teen Titans. However, these traits can occasionally go to extremes due to his traumatic past with the circus animals and his parents' deaths. Robin's necessity to lead his team led to an inferiority complex due to growing frustration toward the team repeatedly brushing off his orders.

Robin teen titans go

Desperate to lead the best superhero team ever, his perfectionism and obsessive controlling have made him quite unstable at times. The voice actor for Robin in the Teen Titans , Scott Menville , has returned to voice the character. Born to a family of circus performers, Dick Grayson had a tough childhood growing up. As seen in " Dude Relax ", the carnival animals used to bully him nonstop, and, even worse, his parents were killed in a tragic acrobat accident. The mega-rich playboy Bruce Wayne , otherwise known as Batman , adopted Dick and made him his sidekick, Robin also known as the "Boy Wonder". But after realizing that he was a useless loser without powers, the happy-go-lucky hero set out to start a team of teenage superheroes—of which HE would be the leader. Unfortunately, four h opele ss rec ruits enraged Robin so much that several other enlistees deemed him an incompetent leader.

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Slade, however, is only trying to reclaim his soul after he was raised from the dead by Trigon , only to be double-crossed and stripped of his mortality, leaving him as the living dead. In "Apprentice", later, Slade made Robin his apprentice, threatening to "annihilate" Robin's friends with nanoscopic probes, which had been injected into them unknowingly while they were diverted. In " Terra ", The Titans met Terra , who had the tremendous ability to control the earth. On defense his speed and agility make him very difficult in most circumstances. As partners, they really care about the other's safety and well being; as evident in " Birthmark ". Robin responds by using her name. Robin was able to obtain the name of "Slade" during his interrogation of Gizmo. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Later, he says that she helps him remember there's more to life than fighting crime. But, as a consequence of this action, she was turned to stone, becoming one with the earth itself. Robin welcomed Cyborg back to the team. Robin instead battles the other Titans. Titans, GO! Robin Raven's Mind.

Before joining the Teen Titans, Robin worked with Batman. Through the years of working with the Dark Knight he was greatly trained physically and mentally in ways no other child was.

After his teammates chose to stay and were consumed by Plasmus, Robin almost fell in a tub of acid before being saved by Cyborg. When it looks as if he will have to battle Starfire, he goes to battle the Titan next to her. Nightwing has also appeared in issue 31 of the Teen Titans Go! Seeing Robin holding Kitten's arm, Starfire seethes with jealousy, and is seen grinding her teeth and punching the hood of Kitten's limo so hard that it crumples and causes the opposite end to lift into the air. Some fans have debated over which Robin leads the Teen Titans. In the end, all I really know is that the answers don't come easy. He cares deeply about each of his friends, but it is Starfire that he has romantic feelings for. Robin is a bit of a loner. But Terra takes advantage of Robin's moment of weakness, and defeats him with a boulder. The evil Robin may have been the good Robin, brainwashed by Warp after returning to Robin's childhood and replacing Batman with himself as Robin's mentor. Through the years of working with the Dark Knight, he was greatly trained mentally and physically in ways no other child was. Robin hates Slade with every bone in his body. If you are truly evil, then go ahead. Starfire's last words of the episode were "

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