Ron desantis high school girls

On Feb. President Donald Trump re-shared a meme on his Truth Social platform that claimed to show a photograph of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis "grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher.

Ron DeSantis that accused him of drinking alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher. He would never do such a thing! The picture shows a year-old DeSantis smiling between three women with blurred out faces, whose ages aren't clear. One of the females in the photos is holding a brown glass bottle but DeSantis isn't pictured drinking. Still, the caption reads, "Here is Ron DeSantimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher," followed by the vomit emoji. The original message Trump reshared was from a user named Dong-Chan Lee, whose Truth Social describes him as a "paleoconservative" and Trump supporter. The New York Times reported in November that the photo was taken after the to academic year that DeSantis spent as a teacher at the elite Darlington School before attending Harvard Law School.

Ron desantis high school girls

By Ryan Bort. Donald Trump recently has been ramping up his attacks on Ron DeSantis ahead of a potential Republican primary showdown. Trump going heavy on the "DeSantis is a pedophile" stuff today. The photo Trump shared on Tuesday was originally published in by a Democratic blog called The Hill Reporter, which noted that the girls in the photo were seniors when it was taken in I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden […] I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans. DeSantis is still trying to punish Disney for doing so. He had nothing. He was dead. He was leaving the race. He came over and he begged me. There were tears coming down from his eyes. Rolling Stone is a part of Penske Media Corporation.

The spat comes amid rampant speculation that DeSantis will challenge Trump for the Republican nomination for president. Trump since

The political rivalry between former President Donald Trump and Gov. Trump and his backers have provided no evidence to support the allegations. The spat comes amid rampant speculation that DeSantis will challenge Trump for the Republican nomination for president. DeSantis has not entered the race, and polls show Trump is still the front-runner. The photo first surfaced on a blog run by a Democratic political organization.

Former President Donald Trump boosted an accusation that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was guilty of "grooming" underage girls shortly after DeSantis defended the former president over the "Russia collusion hoax. DeSantis, who is widely viewed as Trump's likely GOP presidential primary opponent despite not officially announcing his candidacy, took part in a roundtable discussion about "media defamation practices" on Tuesday morning. During the discussion, the governor referred to special counsel Robert Mueller 's investigation into allegations that Trump's campaign team colluded with Russia as the "Russia collusion hoax," echoing a phrase that is often repeated by the ex-president himself. In two posts, Trump shared an image that purportedly showed the governor drinking alcohol with teenage girls that he was responsible for teaching at a high school in Georgia. The image, which has not been independently authenticated by Newsweek , appears to have first been published by Hill Reporter in October A version of the image shared by Trump on Truth Social featured the caption,"Here is Ron DeSanctimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. The former president commented, "That's not Ron, is it?

Ron desantis high school girls

Trump on Tuesday reposted a photo on the social media app, Truth Social, showing what appeared to be a younger DeSantis smiling alongside three women, whose faces were blurred. Bold text on the photo read, "Here is Ron DeSantimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher," followed by a vomit emoji. The photo was initially posted by a Truth Social user named Dong-Chan Lee, whose account describes him as a "staunch paleoconservative who has been supporting President Donald J. Trump since That's just the nature of it," DeSantis responded Wednesday when asked about Trump's post during a news conference in Ocala. You gotta have a thick skin. Shortly after DeSantis defeated Democratic challenger Charlie Crist in last November's general election, Trump released a lengthy statement, calling DeSantis an "average" governor, and taking credit for bolstering the Republican's image. Trump, a Republican, has announced his candidacy for president in , while DeSantis has not said if he's running, despite much speculation that the two-term governor will make a bid for the White House.

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Photos Navigation caret. On Nov. In another repost, Trump added more sarcastic commentary, writing "No way? The New York Times reported in November that the photo was taken after the to academic year that DeSantis spent as a teacher at the elite Darlington School before attending Harvard Law School. Meghan54 Lifer. It's different for me cause I can fight back. Investigations Navigation caret. Log out. The DeSantis-Trump fight is only just beginning as one man seeks the White House for the second time and the other rising political figure — his presidential bid yet to be announced — looms large on the horizon. Nov 28, 12, 3,

Ron DeSantis that accused him of drinking alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher.

Israel-Hamas war. The district has 10 days to appeal. How would these St. Bazzle, Steph. Search Advanced search…. Justin Glawe. According to the story, information about the photograph was provided to a Hill Reporter by "a source with close knowledge of the matter. Read preview. Feb 24, 23, 10, All Rights Reserved. Nothing to see here and more to come.

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