russian tubes for sale

Russian tubes for sale

Extended life and improved mechanical construction. Matched to perfection within mA. Please enter qty for a matched pair, or qty 4 for a matched quad!

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Russian tubes for sale


This is a suitable replacement for any EF86 tube type. Matched very tightly, these are extremely hard to come by!


Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. I use these in my Ampeg Reverb Rocket Re-issue I love these in there. They sound awesome! Been using them for 10 years now. I got them originally from a fellow guitarist who had got them from an old PA system inventory.

Russian tubes for sale

Equivalent: EF86, 6CF8, Audio capacitor K40Y-9 0. Hi-End quality for audio applications, provide excellent sound characteristics, high tolerance is maintained over a wide temperature range. Log in. Lost your password? Remember me. Buy Soviet Vacuum Tube. Tube 6J32P 6Zh32P low frequency pentode with a short anode-grid characteristic and a low level of noise.

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Russian 2D Pimp Your Guitar! To category Tools and accessories. Russian 0a2. Imprint Privacy. Sovtek Tubes. Find everything for the final piece in your chain of tone - cabinets, loudspeakers housing the tone - plus Pro Audio. Shopping Cart 0 items No products in the cart. The Sovtek brand of military grade vacuum tubes are made in Russia and considered to be among the finest currently available. Soviet NOS.

Click Here Looking for a Tube not listed? If you can't find it, We'll find it for you!

The cookie is used to store the cookie settings of the site user over several browser sessions. Extended life and improved mechanical construction. Our cabinets are The cookie does not contain any personal data, but allows personalisation over several browser sessions. To category TAD products. Active Inactive. Three-dimensionality, depth and scale, diversification. The russian was born as 6P3S-E in the Saratov plant and was designed for the use in military vehicles and aircrafts. DeoxIT Airfreight. Follow Us. Pimp Your Guitar! The Login Token is used for the recognition of users across sessions. Cache exception:. Petersburg in s to s.

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