saddam hussein wikipedia in hindi

Saddam hussein wikipedia in hindi

Hussein Kamel was killed in along with his brother Saddam Kamelallegedly [2] by fellow clan members who declared them traitors.

Iraqi president, army officer and Baathist politician. BnF authorities. Swedish Wikipedia. Italian Wikipedia. Saddam Hussein in

Saddam hussein wikipedia in hindi

Iraqi civilian deaths: About 3, Iraqi civilians killed. Post-ceasefire Rumaila — Safwan. Iraqi uprisings. Gulf War. General Norman Schwarzkopf, of the allied coalition that liberated Kuwait www. The Jewish Agency for Israel. Project on Defense Alternatives. Public Broadcasting Service. Out of Area or Out of Reach? Borer Army Professional Writing Collection.

He described the parties as "a place where armed cowboys can kill you at any time. IMDb ID. Iraq Since From Revolution to Dictatorship.

Saddam memainkan peran kunci dalam kudeta kemudian disebut sebagai Revolusi 17 Juli yang membawa partai tersebut ke tampuk kekuasaan di Irak. Sebagai wakil presiden di bawah Jenderal yang sakit Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr , dan pada saat banyak kelompok dianggap mampu menggulingkan pemerintah, Saddam menciptakan pasukan keamanan yang mengontrol konflik antara pemerintah dan angkatan bersenjata dengan ketat. Pada awal an, Saddam menasionalisasi Iraq Petroleum Company dan bank-bank independen, yang pada akhirnya membuat sistem perbankan bangkrut karena inflasi dan kredit macet. Posisi kekuasaan di negara itu sebagian besar diisi oleh Sunni Arab, minoritas yang hanya seperlima dari populasi. Saddam secara resmi mengambil alih kekuasaan pada tahun , meskipun dia telah menjadi kepala Irak secara "de facto" selama beberapa tahun. Dia menekan beberapa gerakan, khususnya gerakan Syiah dan Kurdi yang masing-masing berusaha menggulingkan pemerintah atau memperoleh kemerdekaan, [12] dan mempertahankan kekuasaan selama Perang Iran—Irak dan Perang Teluk. Dia menjalankan pemerintahan otoriter yang represif, [13] yang digambarkan oleh beberapa analis sebagai totaliter , [14] [15] [16] [17] meskipun penerapan label itu telah diperdebatkan.

Saddam Hussein April 28, —December 30, was the ruthless dictator of Iraq from until He was the adversary of the United States during the Persian Gulf War and found himself once again at odds with the U. Captured by U. Saddam, which means "he who confronts," was born in a village called al-Auja, outside of Tikrit in northern Iraq. Either just before or just after his birth, his father disappeared from his life. Some accounts say that his father was killed; others say he abandoned his family. At almost the same time, Saddam's older brother died of cancer. His mother's depression made it impossible for her to care for the young Saddam, and he was sent to live with his uncle Khairullah Tulfah who was briefly imprisoned for political activity. Several years later, Saddam's mother remarried a man who was illiterate, immoral, and brutal.

Saddam hussein wikipedia in hindi

Saddam Hussein was a secularist who rose through the Baath political party to assume a dictatorial presidency. Under his rule, segments of the populace enjoyed the benefits of oil wealth, while those in opposition faced torture and execution. After military conflicts with U. He was later executed. Hussein was born on April 28, , in Tikrit, Iraq. His father, who was a shepherd, disappeared several months before Saddam was born. A few months later, Saddam's older brother died of cancer. When Saddam was born, his mother, severely depressed by her oldest son's death and the disappearance of her husband, was unable to effectively care for Saddam, and at age three, he was sent to Baghdad to live with his uncle, Khairallah Talfah.

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Commitment to Region Continues". Uday was reportedly driven to school by a chauffeur in a Mercedes-Benz and surrounded by servants. Ismail Hussain, who worked as a singer at Uday's parties in the early s, said "Uday did not need a reason to party. He expressed some political views, but he didn't involve me in them. During the period of negotiations and threats following the invasion, Saddam focused renewed attention on the Palestinian problem by promising to withdraw his forces from Kuwait if Israel would relinquish the occupied territories in the West Bank , the Golan Heights , and the Gaza Strip. Saddam had consistently argued that Kuwait had historically been an integral part of Iraq, and had only come into being as a result of interference from the British government ; echoing a belief that Iraqi nationalists had supported for the past fifty years. He said, "Saddam entered the operating room. Uday and Qusay said that it is God's will Hussein Kamel was killed in along with his brother Saddam Kamel , allegedly [2] by fellow clan members who declared them traitors. Uday, Qusay, and the guard took up positions in a bathroom at the front of the building, where they had a line of fire on the streets and on steps leading up to the first floor; Qusay's son took cover in the bedroom in the back and defended themselves. Christian Science Monitor. Evene ID. SourceWatch List of Dictators. Retrieved 25 May

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti [c] 28 April — 30 December , was an Iraqi politician and revolutionary who served as the fifth president of Iraq from to He also served as prime minister of Iraq from to and later from to He was a leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party , and later, the Baghdad-based Ba'ath Party and its regional organization, the Iraqi Ba'ath Party , which espoused Ba'athism , a mix of Arab nationalism and Arab socialism.

He also became the editor of the Babel newspaper, the general secretary of the Iraqi Union of Students and the head of the Fedayeen Saddam , as well as the head of the Iraq Journalists Union. Ahmad Husayn Khudayir as-Samarrai. Comic Vine ID. Main article: Family of Saddam Hussein. Download as PDF Printable version. The largest number of deaths attributable to Mr. Saddam's welfare programs were part of a combination of "carrot and stick" tactics to enhance support for Saddam. Order of Mubarak the Great. Later, the American command said that dental records had conclusively identified two of the dead men as Saddam Hussein's sons. In office 27 March — 9 April Retrieved 9 November After Khomeini gained power, skirmishes between Iraq and revolutionary Iran occurred for ten months over the sovereignty of the disputed Shatt al-Arab waterway, which divides the two countries.

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