samantha robinson actress

Samantha robinson actress

Samantha Robinson born October 19, is an American actress. She was raised in London, England.

Agent: Kirsten Wright. Voiceover: The Joneses. Samantha Robinson's Showreel. Grace Ackary Actor. Ciara Kaighin Adams Actor. Rosanna Adams Actor. Amber Aga Actor.

Samantha robinson actress

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer The Love Witch At fourteen her family relocated to Miami, where she attended the prestigious performing arts school New World School of the Arts. There she performed several lead roles in the most prominent art-houses in Miami, before attending the University of California at Los Angeles with a concentration in acting. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro. Photos Known for:. The Love Witch. Elaine Parks. Once Upon a Time Abigail Folger.

Tom Robertson Actor. David Ijiti Actor.

Growing up in Skelmersdale , Robinson attended Runshaw College and is listed as one of their 'notable alumni'. She was a Laurence Olivier Bursary award winner in The play was the subject of some controversy as its three-week run at the Royal Court Theatre in January was initially cancelled by Vicky Featherstone in the wake of the metoo campaign, but reinstated, [17] receiving excellent reviews from the mainstream media. This article about an English actor is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide.

The young budding actress's most recent endeavor, The Love Witch , has taken the world by storm. Robinson, who is so desperate to find love that she is willing to use magic in order to obtain her objects of desire. The film is a nod to American and European sexploitation horror films from the 60s and 70s while featuring a strong feminist undertone. But what makes the film exceptional is its execution. Anna Biller, the film's director, shot the entire film on 35mm with a vibrant color palette that is like a Matisse painting in motion.

Samantha robinson actress

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer The Love Witch At fourteen her family relocated to Miami, where she attended the prestigious performing arts school New World School of the Arts. There she performed several lead roles in the most prominent art-houses in Miami, before attending the University of California at Los Angeles with a concentration in acting.

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Close-up Culture caught up with Samantha to reflect on the film and talk about the future. Q: You spent much of your childhood in London. How important were these early years learning to dance and performing in the West End to your development as an actor?

Gordon Kennedy Actor. Jamie Baughan Actor. Grace Stotesbury Actor. Jo Mousley Actor. Nicholas Banks Actor. Trevor White Actor. At fourteen her family relocated to Miami, where she attended the prestigious performing arts school New World School of the Arts. Related news. Natasha Chivers Lighting Designer. Olive Bown Actor. Amber Muldoon Actor. Max Mindell Actor. Did you know Edit. Annie Farr Actor.

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