sas if then statement

Sas if then statement

Again, once you've read your data into a SAS data set, you probably want to do something with it. A common thing to do is to change the original data in some way in an attempt to answer a research question of interest to you. In the sas if then statement lesson, we learned how to use assignment statements and functions to add some information to all of the observations in the data set.

An if-then statement can be used to create a new variable for a selected subset of the observations. For each observation in the data set, SAS evaluates the expression following the if. When the expression is true, the statement following then is executed. When the expression is false, SAS ignores the statement following then. For a person whose age is less than 65, the variable older will be missing. An optional else statement can be included if-then-else to provide an alternative action when the if expression is false.

Sas if then statement

The ELSE statement is optional. It can be used to execute a statement if the condition is not true. Sometimes, we might need to execute more than one statement when the condition is met. Sign In. Members' area. Master SAS in 30 days! Start Your Free Training Now. The data set above contains 10 students and their exam results. DO Group. The DO group starts with the DO statement. Do you have a hard time learning SAS? Start Course for Free! IF Statement.

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Task 1 : Suppose you are asked to exclude some of the observations in a SAS data set from an analysis that you are generating. For example, you want to exclude all IDs whose values are greater than Deepanshu founded ListenData with a simple objective - Make analytics easy to understand and follow. He has over 10 years of experience in data science. How behind the scene it works.

Executes a SAS statement for observations that meet specific conditions. Global Statements by Category. Array Reference Statement. Assignment Statement. BY Statement. CALL Statement. Comment Statement.

Sas if then statement

The following examples show how to use each of these statements in practice with the following dataset in SAS:. The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in SAS:. January 17, January 12, January 18,

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Whenever possible The value "Good standing" is not the same as the value "good standing". Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Note that SAS does not generally distinguish between upper and lower case you can use either. Is the instructor treating the glass as being half-full as opposed to half-empty? After being introduced to the comparison operators, students are often tempted to use the syntax EQ in an assignment statement. And, you will want to use the NOT operator in conjunction with other operators to reverse the logic of a comparison:. In order to accommodate the instructor's wishes, we need to take advantage of the OR comparison operator. You've already seen an if-then -else statement in the previous lesson. Here is an example.

Executes a statement for rows that meet specific conditions.

It can be used to execute a statement if the condition is not true. When comparisons are connected by OR, only one of the comparisons needs to be true in order for the condition to be true. The following SAS program takes such an approach:. Sign up. It may save you a lot of trouble down the road. When SAS encounters the condition that is true for a particular observation, it jumps out of the if-then-else statement to the next statement in the DATA step. Login Forgot Password? Arguments expression is any SAS expression. The following SAS program illustrates the use of several mutually exclusive conditions within an if-then-else statement. SAS calls this "propagation of missing values. Suppose our now infamous instructor wants to identify those students who either did not complete the course or failed. I'm just trying to motivate something here.

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