Satele shan

It was there satele shan she witnessed the recapture of the satele shan by the Sith Empire in BBY, and she escaped to warn the Republic with the help of the smuggler Nico Okarr and a Republic trooper named Jace Malcom at the cost of Darach's life. Shan also grew close with Malcom despite the Jedi Order's restrictions on attachments, satele shan, and their bond drove her to rescue Malcom and his small band of Special Forces troopers on the Core World satele shan Alderaan when the Empire invaded the world in BBY. Her arrival turned the tide of the Battle of Alderaan in the Republic's favor. After defeating the Sith Lord Darth Malgus in combat with the help of Malcom, she and Malcom began an affair that lasted for six months before Shan broke it off in fear of the darkness in the soldier's heart.

Satele is renowned for her wisdom and powerful connection to the Force, she is the voice and conscience of the Jedi Order. Born on Brentaal , she is a direct descendant of Bastila Shan , the legendary Jedi who battled Darth Revan centuries ago. Unlike her brash and arrogant ancestor, Satele - who prefers being addressed by her first name - possesses a warm demeanor and approachable personality. This relaxed and unassuming attitude belies her true strength and determination. Satele is a veteran warrior who has repeatedly confronted the power of the dark side and survived.

Satele shan

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! It was there that she witnessed the recapture of the planet by the Sith Empire in BBY , and she escaped to warn the Republic with the help of the smuggler Nico Okarr and a Republic trooper named Jace Malcom at the cost of Darach's life. Shan also grew close with Malcom despite the Jedi Order's restrictions on attachments, and their bond drove her to rescue Malcom and his small band of Special Forces troopers on the Core World of Alderaan when the Empire invaded the world in BBY. Her arrival turned the tide of the Battle of Alderaan in the Republic's favor. After defeating the Sith Lord Darth Malgus in combat with the help of Malcom, she and Malcom began an affair that lasted for six months before Shan broke it off in fear of the darkness in the soldier's heart. However, she was pregnant with Malcom's child, and Shan eventually gave birth to her son, Theron , in secret with the help of Master Zho before giving the child up to the Jedi Order and returning to the battlefield. However, the Empire used the conference as a distraction while it attacked the Republic's capital of Coruscant , holding the world hostage to force the Republic to accept the terms of the Treaty of Coruscant. As the galaxy settled into an uneasy Cold War, Shan foiled a conspiracy to sabotage the new peace perpetrated by Dar'Nala herself and afterward embarked on an odyssey inspired by the call of the Force across the galaxy. The journey led her to the Jedi Order's long-lost homeworld of Tython in the Deep Core , and for her rediscovery of the planet, Shan was appointed to the position of Grand Master and given leadership of the entire Order. As the fragile calm of the Cold War began to collapse, Shan worked with the Republic Emergency Response Corps to protect the unsteady peace and the innocents of the galaxy, and she was alerted to a dangerous threat from the Sith Emperor by his former servant Lord Scourge when a daring mission that she had authorized to capture the Emperor ended in disaster. Learning that the Emperor intended to extinguish all life in the galaxy , Shan helped the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython foil the Emperor's plans and personally led an invasion fleet in an assault on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas while the Knight confronted and defeated the Emperor. As the renewed war continued to spread across the galaxy, Shan worked with her former flame, Malcom, in his capacity as Supreme Commander of the Republic Military, and the two achieved victory over the prototype Imperial warship Ascendant Spear at Duro thanks to the efforts of their son, Theron. Shan also forged a temporary truce with the Empire's Darth Marr in order to combat the threat of the Order of Revan , and the two led their combined forces in defeating the returned Revan on the moon Yavin 4. After the Eternal Empire conquered the Republic and Sith Empire, Shan was disheartened by the casualties the Jedi Order suffered under her command and renounced her title, going into a meditative exile with the spirit of the Sith Darth Marr.

Her arrival turned the tide of the Battle of Alderaan in the Republic's favor. Like The spirit Revan reabsorbed the dark Revan, satele shan, causing Revan's body to vanish as he became one with the Force.

Renowned for her wisdom and powerful connection to the Force, Master Satele Shan is the voice and conscience of the Jedi Order. She is a direct descendant of Bastila Shan, the legendary Jedi who battled Darth Revan centuries ago. Unlike her brash and arrogant ancestor, Master Satele—who prefers being addressed by her. This relaxed and unassuming attitude belies her true strength and determination. Master Satele is a veteran warrior who has repeatedly confronted the power of the dark side and survived. Master Satele bravely fought the resurgent Sith Empire when she was a Padawan, playing a key role in several major battles during the last war.

Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter , her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order , believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation ; which increased her allies' morale while demoralizing her enemies. When her team boarded Revan's vessel , they managed to corner the Dark Lord on the bridge. Before they could engage Revan in combat , Malak, who was separated from his Master during the battle, betrayed Revan by ordering the guns of his flagship Leviathan to fire on Revan's vessel in an attempt to destroy both the Jedi and Revan. However, Shan survived and managed to use the Force to stabilize Revan, who was near death. This act created a bond between the two and Shan brought the comatose Revan to the Jedi Council. Both the Council and Shan came up with a plan and temporarily erased Revan's memories, reprogramming Revan with an identity of a soldier loyal to the Republic.

Satele shan

Tassaa Bareesh, a matriarch in the Hutt crime cartel, is holding an auction that's drawing attention from across the galaxy. Representatives of both the Republic and the Sith Empire are present, along with a Jedi Padawan sent to investigate, a disenfranchised trooper drummed out of the Republic's elite Blackstar Squad, and a mysterious Mandalorian with a private agenda. None of these guests — invited or uninvited — have any intention of participating in the auction.

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However, the fleet was ambushed in the Outer Rim Territories by the Imperial Navy , sparking a week -long battle that crossed several star systems before reaching its peak in the Hoth system. Karrid's Force-enhanced mental control over the Ascendant Spear was lessened when Gnost-Dural engaged her apprentices in a duel and deprived her of their strength in the Force, but as the Ascendant Spear drew close enough for its long-range weaponry to attack the Aegis , Shan and the rest of the bridge were plunged into darkness when Malcom ordered the vessel to divert all power to the shields from everything except the sensors and life support. Surprised to see her former teacher alive, Shan nonetheless joined the Togruta in her fight against Baras. Unlike her brash and arrogant ancestor, Satele - who prefers being addressed by her first name - possesses a warm demeanor and approachable personality. Stryver explained that the hexes' creator, Lema Xandret, had originally approached the Mandalorians with her droids in hopes of forming an alliance to bring down the Sith Empire. Renowned for her wisdom and powerful connection to the Force, Master Satele Shan is the voice and conscience of the Jedi Order. The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Broadsword, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites, and the Star Wars : The Old Republic privacy policy does not apply to their information collection practices. Calling out to Tavus, who had pinned an unarmed Angral to the ground and was preparing to execute him, she warned him to stop. Learning that the Emperor intended to extinguish all life in the galaxy, Shan helped the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython foil the Emperor's plans and personally led an invasion fleet in an assault on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas while the Knight confronted and defeated the Emperor. Upon her son's departure, Shan allowed herself to experience the painful memories of her split with Malcom, and she reminded herself of her choice to give up a chance at a family in service of the Republic. The Emperor was attempting to repeat the dark-side ritual that had granted him immortality over a thousand years earlier but on a galactic scale, a feat that would kill every living thing in the galaxy. As the descendant of Revan and Bastila Shan, two of their generation's most powerful Jedi, [74] Satele Shan was incredibly strong in the Force. After being provided with proof on Rishi that the Revanites had infiltrated both the Republic and the Empire and were attempting to undermine both.

For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. It was there that she witnessed the recapture of the planet by the Sith Empire in BBY, and she escaped to warn the Republic with the help of the smuggler Nico Okarr and a Republic trooper named Jace Malcom at the cost of Darach's life. Should therefore be at the very least on this level.

However, while the Knight was on Voss, Shan was alerted to the return of another fallen strike team member— Warren Sedoru had captured the Republic flagship Valiant and taken its commander , Admiral Dabrin , hostage in order to gather information on the Republic's war plans. They've seen Revan's threat firsthand. Shan was also an accomplished telepath , to the point that she could both read the minds of others and communicate in full sentences with them. Related wiki Ninth Brother. However, the presence of several signal scramblers in the area prevented the Jedi from tracking Fulminiss' precise location, so the Grand Master sent the Hero to disable the scramblers upon arrival. As the remaining four prepared to take the Redshifter , an Imperial interceptor landed in the hangar, and Darach ordered the smuggler to ready his ship. To the surprise of everyone present, a booming laugh rang out, and a blast of dark-side energy rushed into the sky from the Temple: The Emperor, revealing that the battle on the moon had restored his strength, declared his intentions to retake the galaxy and vanished without taking a physical form. The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Broadsword, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites, and the Star Wars : The Old Republic privacy policy does not apply to their information collection practices. Malcom was given kolto treatments to deal with his injuries, the most prominent of which left him with a permanently scarred face. A year later, in BBY , Shan was assigned to a Republic Navy contingent tasked with protecting a fleet of prototype warships that were being gathered for an attack on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas. To the Republic's dismay, the missiles were actually composed of thousands of hexes, and the "destroyed" projectiles quickly took control of several Republic vessels.

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