schief englisch

Schief englisch

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Schief englisch

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Örneğin, Alman ismini çağrıştırmayan bir ad taşıyan ya da örtülü biri, iş arama konusunda eşit şansa sahip değildirler. Slowakisch Wörterbücher. Schief englisch Hier kostenlos testen!

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Add to word list Add to word list. Der Tisch steht schief. Synonym krumm. As a result of the biased reporting the public have formed a distorted picture of the situation there. She ignored the disapproving looks of the others. Durchsuchen Schiedsrichter.

Schief englisch

Do you have any feedback regarding our online dictionaries? Is a translation missing, have you noticed a mistake, or do you just want to leave some positive feedback? Please fill out the feedback form. Giving an email address is optional and, under our privacy policy, used only to handle your enquiry. Langenscheidt German-English dictionary schief German-English translation for "schief" "schief" English translation. Context sentences for "schief". Example sentences from external sources for "schief" not checked by the Langenscheidt editorial team. What went wrong in Gothenburg and Genoa did not in Ghent. Source: Europarl. Of course, any number of things can go wrong.

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