Scp 053

Police discovered the young girl in the diseased bodies of the couple within the same room. Everyone talked and tell their stories about aliens and other mysterious creatures, events scp 053 things etc.

SCP appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people. Any and all humans over the age of three who make eye contact with, physically touch, or remain around SCP for longer than 10 minutes will rapidly become irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. Most, if not all, of these feelings will be directed at SCP, and afflicted subjects will attempt to kill SCP after first killing or driving off all humans visible to them. Those attempting to kill SCP will suffer massive heart attacks or seizures and die seconds after doing any physical damage to SCP SCP will regenerate almost instantaneously from any wound, regardless of severity.

Scp 053

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m 16 ft x 16 ft and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three 3 months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided three 3 times daily, and two 2 snacks are allowed if requested. No physical contact is to be made with SCP without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield. No eye contact is to be made with SCP for any reason. Any objects given to personnel by SCP may be removed, but must be given to quarantine for examination. Only one 1 member of personnel may be present in the room at any given time and must be secured by a safety line of steel cable. All personnel must be removed from SCP's containment chamber within 10 minutes of entering. Any personnel who begin to act erratically, scream, or attempt to grab SCP are to be removed and quarantined. Any personnel attempting to remove their suit are also to be removed and quarantined.

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Laconic Containment Procedures: She is in a room with toys, books, games, etc. Only one person is allowed to be inside with her but not for more than 10 minutes. She gets 3 meals a day plus snacks if she asks. Knifes and Guns are also a no-no. Laconic Description: SCP is a little girl that when looked at, touched, or stayed around for 10 minutes, enrages you and makes you try to kill everyone in the room with you.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m 16 ft x 16 ft and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three 3 months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided three 3 times daily, and two 2 snacks are allowed if requested. No physical contact is to be made with SCP without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield. No eye contact is to be made with SCP for any reason.

Scp 053

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m 16 ft x 16 ft and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three 3 months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided three 3 times daily, and two 2 snacks are allowed if requested. No physical contact is to be made with SCP without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield.

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Balchipedia The Encyclopedia of Balch History. What on earth had happened to this child? Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Only one 1 member of personnel may be present in the room at any given time and must be secured by a safety line of steel cable. It was in the spring of that the Young Girl, now officially designated SCP - , finally received her special mission. It's a girl! Something does not work as expected? Things have been pretty busy. We were at the playground and we took our eyes off of her for one second and she fell of the jungle gym on her head. Several strangers in full hazmat suits, wielding rifles, escorted her out of her usual bedroom. Description: SCP appears to be a small 3-year-old girl.

The voice of the Database was provided by Joshua Alan Lindsay. Special Containment Procedures: SCP is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m 16 ft x 16 ft and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three 3 months.

She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. The strangers in the hazmat suits told her that all of these tests were helping them learn extremely valuable things about her, and that soon, they'd have a very special job for her. The giant reptile didn't move. The corner store was a powder keg, all it needed now was a spark. The hospital called and said that Abby will have to stay there for a few more days, but she's all patched up and on the fast track to recovery. Filename: SCP TalkingPad Project. Outside of the store, The Young Girl appeared, walking out as if nothing had happened. Her strange and terrifying life before containment, her thrilling capture, and the part she played in one of the most dangerous SCP Foundation cross-tests of all time. His brain was practically on autopilot, until he saw this child. Durability : Below Average Human level. The Young Girl could never spend enough time around someone to be given one.

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