scp ghost ship

Scp ghost ship

Access for testing purposes is currently unrestricted. Description: SCP is an animate, sapient human skeleton dressed in a tattered coat, leather boots, and three empty holsters on its belt for various weapons, all of which show signs of severe water damage. The entity wears an eye patch over scp ghost ship left socket, despite lacking eyes in both, scp ghost ship. When SCP is damaged, it will regenerate within an hour; this regeneration appears to function similarly to a reptile regenerating lost limbs, although there does not seem to be any limit on which body parts can be reformed.

Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation is to liaise with the National Weather Service during SCP's active season each year and monitor the development of meteorological phenomena which may contribute to onset of SCP events. Whenever weather conditions favorable to SCP exist, Foundation personnel embedded within the United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard are to assist in monitoring radio communication from civilian vessels in the active region for any reports of SCP sightings. Civilians spotting SCP are to be instructed not to attempt to approach, communicate with, or render assistance to any instance of SCP The existence of SCP is attested to in "ghost stories" circulated by the general public. Foundation media assets are to limit public dissemination of sightings of SCP instances. Subsequent to civilian sightings of any SCP instance, the Foundation is to intercept the vessel making the sighting upon its docking, debrief its crew, and issue Class-A amnestics.

Scp ghost ship

Archive photo of SCP unusually close to shore in No photographs of the object's current configuration are available. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites are to constantly track the movement of SCP, with analysts and programs predicting the movements of the object, with plants in the meteorological bureau to divert traffic from areas likely to be visited by SCP In addition, the SCPS Sunderland , a fully armed Legend-class cutter, will be dispatched to patrol areas where SCP is likely to come into contact with other vessels. SCPS Sunderland is to be equipped with a minimum of two rigid bottomed motor life boats to aid in rescue of survivors of encounters with SCP, along with high impact naval weaponry to aid in discouraging the object from attacking civilian, merchant and military vessels. Absolutely no aircraft is to be deployed in the area of SCP's area of operation, due to the severe weather phenomena associated with it. Where possible, waste dumped by SCP is to be collected by Foundation watercraft and taken to the nearest Foundation research site for study. Typical explanations to be provided include user error, sinking via rough seas or rogue waves, mutiny, and pirate encounters. Amnestics are to be administered to any and all survivors and witnesses of SCP and its activities. Description: SCP is a large oceangoing ship approximately metres in length and 45 metres in width, bearing the nameplate " DV Toluca ". Research personnel have been unable to find any record of a ship matching the Toluca's description that has been registered to any port in the last years. Of note is that components of SCP come from a wide variety of other sea craft, including some such as the flying bridge dating back to at least the 's along with various naval weapons which operate autonomously. It primarily travels in deep water and searches for other vessels in an effort to abduct crew and appropriate cargo, before leaving the vessel adrift. Weather patterns in a 5 kilometre radius of SCP consistently display adverse and at times violent conditions regardless of and often in direct contrast to the given ocean state at the time. Observation has shown near constant moderate rainstorms and thick fog in the area surrounding SCP, accompanied by moderate to strong winds and slightly rough waters.

Similarly, ina Learjet carrying PGA golfer Payne Stewart lost pressurization and remained on autopilot long after the crew and passengers lost consciousness, flying for four hours and more than 1, miles before running out of fuel and crashing scp ghost ship South Dakota, scp ghost ship. Everybody on board, including the captain and his wife, had frozen to death; the Captain's final log entry, dated January 17,revealed that they had been trapped for 71 days before they all succumbed to hunger and the cold.

SCP is officially designated as a "centaur", having a regular solar orbit with an aphelion of 9. Its orbital period is roughly Containment of SCP's anomalous nature is predicated on maintaining its current identification as 13 Catherine, a natural small solar system body. Government sanctioned missions to observe 13 Catherine, manned or otherwise must be prevented in order to preserve containment. Due to its distance and small size, 13 Catherine's true nature is currently not known to terrestrial observers. To ensure continued cooperation from SCP instances, limited amenities may be provided, when feasible, upon request. SCP is a formerly Russian interplanetary spacecraft roughly meters long and meters wide.

Only surprise about the Obra Dinn? It's come back This article is about the trope. For the film, go here. The main characters receive a Distress Call or randomly come across a seemingly deserted vessel and have to figure out what happened and where everybody went. The derelict boat, ship, submarine, or, in science fiction, spaceship may have signs of a bloody Last Stand. Tension mounts as the would-be rescuers search the ship for survivors and clues. Anchor chains in the hold clank in the waves. They find the Captain's log book, but the writing trails off to a panicked scrawl on the last page.

Scp ghost ship

The Archimedes is disguised as a destroyer from the US Navy, allegedly pursuing illegal whalers. Local naval officials are to be informed of the presence of illegal whalers in the area and reroute commercial and private traffic accordingly. The harbor's entrance has been blocked by stone, preventing escape. SCP is to remain anchored to the harbor bed at all times. Chains and anchors are to be inspected every week for signs of damage and repaired accordingly. Foundation ship SCPS Archimedes is to patrol the harbor's entrance at all times and deter unauthorized craft under the pretense of naval training exercises. Nameplates and numbers are missing and are believed to have been removed prior to acquisition. No crew members have been observed anywhere inside SCP SCP has been observed hunting and processing a wide variety of cetaceans, including stock not usually hunted by whalers. Unusual specimens gathered by SCP include dolphins family Delphinidae , orca whales Orcinus orca , beaked whales family Ziphiidae , and narwhals and belugas family Monodontidae.

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Rogue Galaxy had a ghost ship level, which was also the Bonus Dungeon in that particular game, available only after the main story. Ever since then, the ship has wandered the Toran coast; time passes more slowly on board and Laughing Jack's quarters are enchanted to trap visitors unless they play and solve his games, less they be consigned to the oars. The derelict boat, ship, submarine, or, in science fiction, spaceship may have signs of a bloody Last Stand. SCP Lookin' to pick up some parts for my new ship. My sibling found this place- you know him as "Aye", I believe. In one instance, a vessel approaching SCP appears to have spontaneously capsized without suffering any other damage to its hull. Blake's 7 : The Liberator is first discovered adrift in space after the crew abandoned ship during a space battle. Lack of other remains suggests that the resulting material was used for an unknown purpose on board SCP Once we find a proper seed we can begin. Containment Class:. The ship disappeared again in the fog, despite being tied on. He asked it to shape the rock to a form better suited for exploration. Read several commentaries on essays about population by an englishman named Malthus. And I believe that we, and the workers of the Soviet Union, can and will accomplish the impossible.

Archive photo of SCP unusually close to shore in

By listening to audio logs, you can piece together the story that the man, Jacob, was exposed to vacuum for too long and died, but his biotic girlfriend Julia slowly went mad from grief, and killed everyone else on board when they tried to take Jacob off life support. Another novel has the Confederacy of Suns find a derelict planet. At first it seems deserted. Jet Force Gemini : At one point, Vela reaches the Spacestation, a wrecked vessel that has been stranded in outer space for a long time. There was a crew member, Manfred Fritz Bajorat, on board, but he had died about a week before he was found, with his body being mummified by the salty air and the dry conditions of the inside of the yacht. All crew with the exception of D are audibly humming an unidentified tune in unison. With their assistance, we should be able to achieve projection at sufficient distances. Closing Statement: Following review of the footage gathered and DNA testing of the human remains recovered from SCP, it was discovered that human remains contained within the waste collected did not belong to D Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Document I. The camera lens also appears to be coated in the same materials staining the D-class jumpsuit. They find the Captain's log book, but the writing trails off to a panicked scrawl on the last page. Star Ruler : Ships that lose power from generator destruction, run out of fuel, or suffer crew death or in the case of a computer controlled ship, power loss will go derelict and drift off into deep space. Ni no Kuni.

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