Seductive lesbian stories

My other half has a job that takes him abroad for weeks at a time, which leaves me on my own for longer than I want to be; she was on her own, having dumped her man who was by all accounts useless. We were both in need of company, so we became easy and relaxed with one another, seductive lesbian stories, having a lot in common; being of similar age, and laughing at seductive lesbian stories same things.

Received an email from us, or wondering if something changed at Smashwords? Check our 'Site Updates' for the latest news. Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our FAQ? Ask it below. Hot summer of was coming to an end. Laura was a girl that lived in a Southern town; town so small that only a few years ago everyone met at the same movie theater and the local ice cream place housed every teacher, classmate and neighbor in the city.

Seductive lesbian stories

Jo and Jennie have been playing cat and mouse for ages now Jo being the cat she's out and proud with a crazy bunch of mates behind her, she's taken a shine to Jennie; feeling this game has been moving too slow she takes action, Jennie on the other h AN: helloooo! So hang tight! In the meantime…. I was currently lounging on my bed with Katy hovering over my radio trying to find a decent station while parroting retorts to me like I cared. I mean who knows what stunt this new Jennie will pull! I mean damn. Today in the corridors Kat was just… damn. I snapped my head up at Katy who was regarding me with one eyebrow raised. Of course it was! I laughed at her choice of words before sobering up to respond,. I shook my head at her and jumped up from my bed heading towards my closet and flung it open.

Who knows, maybe I will meet someone sexy tonight? She lays back down next to me.

I had just gotten into bed, pulled the blankets up, and grabbed my copy of Pride and Prejudice for what was probably my th reading, when my phone rang. Who would possibly be calling right now? I picked up the phone, and looked at the screen. Of course. Also, she likes girls. In bed.

This bundle contains six steamy, exciting short stories of lesbian erotic romance! Please note, these stories are also available individually. Megan's Lesbian Seduction Megan, a freelance writer, is asked by her friend to perform a special favor: take some intimate pictures of her to use on a website. At first she's confused, but happy to help her friend. Then she starts to realize she thinks of Jenny in a completely different light. Megan's feelings are leading her into a lust she's never known before, and now all she needs to know is if her friend feels the same way.

Seductive lesbian stories

Account Options Ieiet. Nancy Brockton. Lesbian Seduction…the very idea sends thrills of excitement through the body. In this scorching collection from bestselling erotica author Nancy Brockton, five beautiful women experience the thrill of a first lesbian sex encounter. They love being friends, and they tell each other everything. Well…not everything. Kelly has a crush on a boy and keeps it to herself. When she talks to Tina about it, her roommate decides to cheer Kelly up…with a scorching first lesbian sex experience! There, to stave off the advances of one of the boys attending, Courtney makes a show of kissing Amy right in front of everyone. This was the night that felt like a date, not like a couple of friends together for kicks.

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There is just me wanting her wet heat forced down in this delicious dark isolation. It seems like an eternity before Annie finally turns to me, slowly, moving into place in front of me. My thighs close around her head, my hips buck up again and again and again against her face. I feel her breathe against my lips, panting now, desperate. Also, easy access if someone wants to get under the skirt! They are sporty, compact but full. When she lifts her lips off to take a deeper breath, I instinctively put my hands down on her head and lift my hips back up. Briefest kiss on my lips. She pauses a moment, unbuttoning the rest of the buttons all the way down, opening it completely. Erotic fiction: read 'Strictly Sexy'. She pulls me deep in once more, I want to drown this way with warm juices in my throat, forced to drink all that she is.

By JetBoy. First, thanks to you for being part of the Juicy Secrets universe.

We lie consumed for the long afternoon, a haze of mutual climaxes that meld one into another until we end in an entwined knot of sleepy arms and legs, unwilling to let go, too exhausted to do more. The very notion has my lower body aching, and I can feel myself squirming, moving, pushing my hips up to meet her hand. The liquor hits the back of my throat and I instantly seize up into a cough, like fire all the way down into my lungs. Intuitively, my hips push forward towards her and wordlessly, without breaking the kiss at all, she pushes her knee forward and up, sliding it between my thighs, pushing the skirt of my dress up with it until the top of her knee is against the juncture of my thighs. The sight before her was Erotic fiction: read 'Behind The Mask'. Quiet in the library! Leave a comment. The moist flow of her is carried on my tongue as she tastes her own need of me. She pulls open the buttons on the front of my dress, revealing my simple bra underneath. One side of my jaw. I like that.

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