sex positions wikipedia

Sex positions wikipedia

This list has been in the top for pages viewed on Wikipedia for at least a year. It contains references, sex positions wikipedia, drawings and is at least as comprehensive as the average human sexuality book. It is the currently the number one list on Sex positions wikipedia by number of page views not just looking at en, but overall and is the first link returned from a Google search of list of sex positions. I consider it featured list quality or very close.

Sixty-nine or 69 , also known by its French name soixante-neuf 69 , [1] is a group of sex positions in which two people align themselves so that each person's mouth is near the other's genitals, each simultaneously performing oral sex on the other. Variations of the 69 positions include mutual anilingus or "double rimming", and digital penetration of either partner's anus or vagina. In these positions, the partners are said to experience sexual stimulation simultaneously, but this can also distract those who try to focus solely on pleasuring themselves. The position can also be awkward for partners who are not similar in height. The term sixty-nine or soixante-neuf for mutual simultaneous oral-genital stimulation is an English translation of the euphemistic French term, " soixante-neuf. Gaston Vorberg's Vorberg gives this

Sex positions wikipedia

The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total. This list may not reflect recent changes. Category Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons Wiktionary. The main article for this category is Sex position. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sex positions. Pages in category "Sex positions" The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total. Sex position. A Anal sex Anilingus Autofellatio. D Doggy style Double penetration. F Facesitting Fellatio Fisting Frot.

Random House Digital. Archived from the original PDF on Hensel, Christiana D.

A sex position is a position of the body that people use for sexual intercourse or other sexual activities. Sexual acts are generally described by the positions the participants adopt in order to perform those acts. Though sexual intercourse generally involves penetration of the body of one person by another, sex positions commonly involve penetrative or non-penetrative sexual activities. Three categories of sexual activity are commonly practiced: vaginal sex , anal sex , and oral sex mouth-on-genital or mouth-on-anus stimulation. Other acts may include stimulation by a device sex toy , such as a dildo or vibrator. There are numerous sex positions that participants may adopt in any of these types of sex acts; some authors have argued that the number of sex positions is essentially limitless.

Human positions refer to the different physical configurations that the human body can take. There are several synonyms that refer to human positioning, often used interchangeably, but having specific nuances of meaning. This is the static form of crawling which is instinctive form of locomotion for very young children. It was a commonly used childbirth position in both Western and non-Western cultures, in which context it is known as the Gaskin Maneuver. Kneeling is a basic human position where one or both knees touch the ground. It is used as a resting position, during childbirth and as an expression of reverence and submission. While kneeling, the angle between the legs can vary from zero to widely splayed out, flexibility permitting.

Sex positions wikipedia

The text is a mix of prose and anustubh -meter poetry verses. The text acknowledges the Hindu concept of Purusharthas , and lists desire, sexuality, and emotional fulfillment as one of the proper goals of life. Its chapters discuss methods for courtship, training in the arts to be socially engaging, finding a partner, flirting, maintaining power in a married life, when and how to commit adultery , sexual positions, and other topics. The text is one of many Indian texts on Kama Shastra. The Kamasutra has influenced many secondary texts that followed after the 4th-century CE, as well as the Indian arts as exemplified by the pervasive presence Kama-related reliefs and sculpture in old Hindu temples.


Using a pillow can also help the woman arch her back. It is often regarded as a romantic position because the two partners face each other and may maintain eye contact; there is potentially a greater amount of skin-to-skin contact than in any other position; and the couple can hold each other in their arms, which can easily segue into cuddling when sex is over. As part of foreplay or to avoid penetrative sex, people engage in a variety of non-penetrative sexual behavior, which may or may not lead to orgasm. An Exploratory Study". Contents move to sidebar hide. Sex positions. Multiple penetration , or double penetration means someone is penetrated in more than one place. Wikimedia Commons has media related to missionary positions. Toggle limited content width. The basic position is called the missionary position.

The G spot is not a separate and specific part of the anatomy but part of the larger clitoral network. Orgasms can help reduce stress, improve your skin, and make you feel, well, great.

The receiving partner is kneeling or on all four limbs. Sexual activity in the missionary position, as a form of physical exercise, may be slightly more vigorous for the man than in other positions. Intercourse [ change change source ] These positions involve a penis going into a vagina , or the anus. This list has been in the top for pages viewed on Wikipedia for at least a year. Where can you see the top most viewed pages on wikipedia? Partners can be lying side-by-side, lying one on top of the other, or standing with one partner holding the other upside down. PMID Most sex acts are typically performed on a bed or other simple platform. Jaypee Brothers Publishers. Archived from the original on Read View source View history.

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