sexus book

Sexus book

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Henry Miller. Published by Grove Press, Seller Rating:. Contact seller. Within U.

Sexus book

View Larger Image. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo. Sexus is the first novel in Miller's Rosy Crucifixion trilogy. Due to allegedly licentious content, the trilogy was initially banned in the United States, and published only in France and Japan. Hence, the imprint declares that this edition is 'printed for private circulation' only. Miller was concerned about publishing the novel in the States due to the possibility that his ex-wife Beatrice the model for Maude would bring a lawsuit for her fictionalised portrayal. Miller retorted that '[i]f it was not good, it was true; if it was not artistic, it was sincere; if it was in bad taste, it was on the side of life'. Seller Inventory Contact seller. Report this item. Publisher: Paris Obelisk Press. Visit Seller's Storefront. The condition of all books has been described; all items are guaranteed to be complete unless otherwise stated. Invoices will be rendered in Sterling.

Paper covers have moderate edge-wear with curling to corners and sexus book to surfaces. Google Books — Loading Published by Harper Perennial,

A wholly new life lay before me, had I the courage to risk all. When Henry Miller left America for Paris in the s to lead the life of a literary bohemian, he called this death of his former existence and his resurrection as a writer a 'rosy crucifixion'. This dramatic transformation provided the leitmotif for some of Miller's finest writing, embodying everything he felt about self-liberation and the true life of the spirit. Frantically seeking antidotes to his dreary job and life 'in a morbidly respectable neighbourhood' with his wife Maude, Miller becomes obsessed with the promiscuous and mysterious Mara, dance hall hostess, femme fatale and pathological liar. First published in Paris in , this picaresque, extraordinarily candid tale of Miller's sexual escapades amongst the low-life of Brooklyn was banned in Great Britain and America for nearly twenty years. Account Options Ieiet. Henry Miller.

A wholly new life lay before me, had I the courage to risk all. When Henry Miller left America for Paris in the s to lead the life of a literary bohemian, he called this death of his former existence and his resurrection as a writer a 'rosy crucifixion'. This dramatic transformation provided the leitmotif for some of Miller's finest writing, embodying everything he felt about self-liberation and the true life of the spirit. Frantically seeking antidotes to his dreary job and life 'in a morbidly respectable neighbourhood' with his wife Maude, Miller becomes obsessed with the promiscuous and mysterious Mara, dance hall hostess, femme fatale and pathological liar. First published in Paris in , this picaresque, extraordinarily candid tale of Miller's sexual escapades amongst the low-life of Brooklyn was banned in Great Britain and America for nearly twenty years. Account Options Ieiet. Henry Miller. The extraordinarily candid tale of Miller's sexual escapades amongst the low-life of Brooklyn, banned in Great Britain and America for nearly twenty years after its first publication in

Sexus book

Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. The nature of mankind; the good, the bad, and the ugliness of human existence. What, did he calculate, could get us human animals to pay attention for more the a few seconds? To hear what he needed us to hear? Sex, of course.

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Join the discussion. Who knows, if I had read these first, which I would prefer? His philosophy of art and social criticism are relevant for the 30 year old struggling artist he depicts and is beautifully written, as is his self-analysis and criticism. He still got the great talent of a bohemian artist, still use the most remarkable language among American novelists. The full and joyful acceptance of the worst in oneself is the only way of transforming it" It is autobiographical and tells the story of Miller's first tempestuous marriage and his relentless sexual exploits in New York. Free shipping Within U. Stefan Calin. Pienso que son libros imprescindibles. To hear what he needed us to hear? Hence, the imprint declares that this edition is 'printed for private circulation' only. He is the center piece of this trilogy, and by all means, he has to be. Published by Harper Perennial, Volume 1.

Sexus is the first volume of the scandalous trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion , Henry Miller's major life work. Henry Miller called the end of his life in America and the start of a new, bohemian existence in s Paris his 'rosy crucifixion'.

Loading interface In fact, one gets giddy and excited towards the end of 'Nexus' and not just because one will be able to close the book permanently when Miller gets on the boat to Paris. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!. Sexus covers the period of Miller's life when he was trying very hard to BECOME a writer, that is, work up the nerve to actually write something. His stories, countless stories, always with another point of view - at one moment, as an all-knowing superior man, and the next, as a good-for-nothing, useless piece of garbage that's floating about the air. Jump to ratings and reviews. How, can you ask, is he then the great man that I advertise him to be? Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Ausgabe: Traduzione di Valerio Riva. Some parts are unflinchingly honest, but most of it a lot of hot air, Miller showing off self-education and book learning, and most times not a very sympathetic figure. Read in the s.

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