sexy christian serratos

Sexy christian serratos

Hottest Pictures Of Christian Serratos. Christian Serratos is an out-of-the-world beauty. She is an American actress.

Absolute perfection if you ask me. Hell, even if you ask a zombie with only one semi-working eyeball! Alright, alright, enjoy the sizzling photos and try not to drool all over yourselves! Photo Credit: Instagram. Bonus Galleries :. Posted in Christian Serratos No Comments ».

Sexy christian serratos


And… oh hell, why am I still typing!?


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Christian Serratos Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Selena: The Series —

Sexy christian serratos

I might have to check my files on this, but I believe Christian Serratos is the first survivor of the zombie apocalypse to pose for Playboy. Survivors of the zombie apocalypse notwithstanding, I would have to imagine that zombies themselves have appeared in Playboy before. Of course, there never is any shortage of blood and dust on The Walking Dead, which wraps up its fifth season with a minute finale, Sunday, March 29 on AMC.

Lo siento pero esta noche es imposible

And better yet, a whole slew of our favorite celebrity babes attended the shindig and tried to outdo one another with their skimpy outfits. Forgot your password? Jennifer Love Hewitt :. Ahem… enjoy the sizzling photos and enjoy The Walking Dead season premiere this Sunday! And… oh hell, why am I still typing!? She has a Mexican mother and an Italian father. Damn right they better give her a ton of screen time this season! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Now that, my peeps, in one hell of a sexy little appearance. Read the rest of this entry?

There have been a lot of eyes focused on Netflix's upcoming Selena: The Series , and with it, people are looking to learn more about the actress set to portray the '90s Tejano musician, Selena Quintanilla. Christian Serratos is set to take the lead role, and while this isn't the first time we've seen her on the small screen, most don't know that for Christian Serratos, her daughter is a huge part of her life.

Brian - June 14, 0. One more time… wowzers! Speaking of… you can see the rest of the babes who caught my attention and who were probably drooling over Kristen as well after the jump! Now that, my peeps, in one hell of a sexy little appearance. Christian Serratos is an out-of-the-world beauty. Our Privacy Policy. Ashley Greene :. Learn how your comment data is processed. Yup, my job is done. BTW, Ashley Greene totally stole the show. That top photo, my peeps, is a rollercoaster of uber sexiness. Bonus Galleries :. Bad color lipstick on pouty lips is totally hot. And her perfectly scrawny legs just add to the shwing-fest.

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