Sexy ochaco uraraka

Uchako Uraraka from My Hero Academia, sexy ochaco uraraka. She is a stylized version of anime world. She is very sweet and if you have ever watched My Hero Academia you should consider it for yourself or as a gift for others.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. DynaMight and Zero Gravity have been dancing around each other for a year. Katsuki wants to suffocate between those villain thighs and Zero wants to use Katsuki for her own pleasure

Sexy ochaco uraraka

Ochaco Uraraka — Uravity Click here to see her in uniform Click here to see her first costume. I'll make that money So that my mom and dad can have easier lives! An outgoing young girl who befriends Midoriya after he saves her during the entrance exam. Her Quirk is "Zero Gravity," which lets her reduce the gravitational pull of anything she touches to zero. Her family owns a construction company that hasn't gotten any work in a long time, leaving them flat broke, and because of this, she wants to become a heroine in order to earn enough money to give her parents a good life. She becomes very close with Midoriya throughout the series, and most people assume she has developed a crush on him, which might just be true. Although anytime you ask her about it, she's liable to float away out of embarrassment. Only problem is, once she reaches that limit or uses it on herself, she pukes. She gets better over time and not only vastly increases her daily limit, but also has no more issues using her Quirk on herself so she can effectively fly. Action Girl : Slowly grows into this, especially since receiving martial arts training from Gunhead, where she mixes martial arts moves along with her Quirk. That nickname was initially an insult that Izuku's former friend Katsuki used to belittle him it means 'useless' , but Ochaco came to use the name after a misunderstanding, thinking it sounded encouraging it sounds like "dekiru", "you can do it", in a Kansai accent. This completely changed Izuku's outlook on that name, to the point he decided to adopt it as his superhero alias; while Katsuki looked angry about that, Ochaco was very touched. All-Loving Hero : Like her best friend and love interest Izuku, Ochaco wants to put smiles on people's faces and make them feel safe, feeding into her development as a hero growing beyond her initial monetary motivations.

In fact, Word of God states he deliberately invoked this trope when designing her to contrast with the pessimistic and shy Midoriya.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Any act of removing this hero from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism or a "villainous" attempt to demonize said character and the user will have a high chance of being smitten blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an administrator first. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. She is a student at U. High School training to become a Pro Hero and one of Izuku Midoriya 's closest friends as well as his love interest. She dreams of achieving her goals of becoming a Pro Hero so she can support her parents, while being a great hero who protects and saves innocent lives.

Sexy ochaco uraraka

My Hero Academia Wiki Explore. Paranormal Liberation Front Hawks vs. Paranormal Liberation Front. Hospital Raid Team vs. Nomu Mirko vs.


Boxing Lessons for Superman : Almost literally. Subsequently making Uraraka herself a primary source of Izuku's determination for the rest of the series. After first hand witnessing Sir Nighteye die trying to save Eri, and even more, seeing Deku keep selflessly saving people by harming himself, it makes her question if a hero's job is to save people from pain, then "who'll save the heroes when the heroes need saving? She's flanked by Momo and Kyoka who came along for the trip, concerned Izuku uses his gentle demeanor to lure in women like Ochaco and play them. That didn't mean that nothing good ever came from her being drunk. Sports Festival. This coming from the resident Plucky Girl shows she strongly disapproves of Bakugo's repugnant attitude and his terrible treatment of Izuku up until post-License Exam. She appears to have continued training even after her internship ended as her martial arts skills are the best of Class 1-A. Character Development : Following the Internship Arc, Uraraka decides she wants to be a heroine in order to save people, whereas her original motive was to look after her family. Beware the Nice Ones : Ochaco Uraraka, a cute and charming girl whose main drive is to be a hero to support her family, and displays a cheerful disposition with everyone. Lethal Harmless Powers : Her Quirk generally isn't combat-oriented and Uraraka herself typically doesn't use it on other people, but when Toga mimics her Quirk, she uses it to float Curious and her followers high into the air before releasing them to splatter on the concrete below. She is also the only girl who actually appreciates Kirishima's masculine room, while Mina has a non-reaction and Hagakure finds it disgusting. Izuku and Ochaco seem very similar, with their in-sync reactions to their classmates' eccentricities, how they bounce of Iida's overly serious demeanor, and their own matching designs. Hidden Depths : Despite being a sweet girl with a somewhat goofy nature, she is actually really good at strategic planning and execution.


Adds to her cheery and sweet disposition. Midoriya rushes in to save her without a second thought when he sees her trapped under some debris. Nice Girl : Uraraka is a very friendly and charming person overall. Follow TV Tropes. Both Midoriya's mother and Uraraka have gravity-themed Quirks, soft features, a fondness for pink clothing, and sweet personalities. Though this is an incredibly brief interaction, it's one that solidifies Uraraka's character. She starts to develop a crush on him around this time, but chooses to focus on her own growth first. Himiko didn't wake up with Ochako, and she hadn't heard from her girlfriend since. Her manicured nails dig into his cheeks, holding his face still while she leans over him. This calls back to her setting him on his feet again after he tripped before the entrance exam, along with All Might officially welcoming Izuku to U. This coming from the resident Plucky Girl shows she strongly disapproves of Bakugo's repugnant attitude and his terrible treatment of Izuku up until post-License Exam. Entrance Exam, Deku is so lost in his own thoughts that he isn't paying attention to where he's stepping and ends up tripping. Tsuyu and her mother's quirk lets them remove their stomachs. If only she hadn't pointed it out to him before unleashing it

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