shadow the hedgehog and silver the hedgehog

Shadow the hedgehog and silver the hedgehog

Know something we don't about Sonic? Don't hesitate in signing up today! It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view.

Silver the Hedgehog is a character in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. He is a white hedgehog with powerful psychic abilities who hails from the future. Silver was created in order to utilize the new physics engine added to Sonic the Hedgehog Silver wears gold cuffs that go around his wrists and legs that are just a bit higher than his colorfull gloves and boots. Cyan lines encircle. Silver's boots are indigo-colored down the side and have teal-coloured tips.

Shadow the hedgehog and silver the hedgehog

En su videojuego debut, Sonic the Hedgehog , Silver es un erizo con poderes telequineticos proveniente de un lejano futuro destruido por el monstruo Iblis. Silver ha luchado constantemente contra este monstruo inmortal, y quiere encontrar la manera de detenerlo. Shadow y Silver descubren la forma de sellar a Iblis. Eggman y Waluigi. En Sonic Generations , aparece como rival de Sonic en el escenario cercano de Crisis City y es necesario vencerlo para obtener la Esmeralda del Caos para poder desbloquear el final y Super Sonic, este personaje no es jugable en dicho juego, pero es parte de la historia. Al final del juego Silver se entristece al perder a su amiga. Al final del juego se hacen de nuevo buenos amigos. Pasado cierto tiempo, Sonic y Silver se hacen buenos amigos. Puede moverse a grandes velocidades volando, ya que corriendo, corre como una persona totalmente normal. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. En otros proyectos. Wikimedia Commons. Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic Colors.


Know something we don't about Sonic? Don't hesitate in signing up today! It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view. We are in need of content, and everyone has something to contribute! If you have an account, please log in. I am the ultimate life form, Shadow the Hedgehog. I will crush anyone who stands in my way! His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses , more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik , who he had a great bond with. However, he was eventually captured following his creation and put into stasis by G. Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr.

Shadow the hedgehog and silver the hedgehog

Know something we don't about Sonic? Don't hesitate in signing up today! It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view.

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I must've used too much of my ESP power. Characters Groups Locations Objects. Silver has "a strong sense of justice", and it is this trait that motivates him to head back into the past to correct the future. At the same time, Silver seems slightly in awe of Shadow, and by the end of their time together is much more mature. Shade the Echidna. During the Ifrit incident , they were briefly cordial at first until Silver took offense at Knuckles mocking him for thinking saving the Chao could save the world. Silver the Hedgehog's favorite food is apples. Silver has been described as mysterious and enigmatic on several occasions, with not much being known about him or his powers. He believes in standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Sonic Rivals 2. Summer of Sonic 27 June Retrieved on 29 September Psychic abilities aide, Silver possesses impressive physical abilities too.

Fans of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise have undoubtedly heard of Shadow the Hedgehog. Known as one of the "edgier" characters from the Sonic games, Shadow quickly became a fan favorite for that very reason.

Keeping in mind that normally Shadow does not concern himself with other people and prefers to work alone, he takes Silver under his quills surprisingly easily when going into the past. At first, Shadow did not trust Silver's speculations about Dr. During the Time Eater incident , Silver and Blaze both represent the Crisis City area, and they can be seen talking at Sonic's birthday party in the ending. Bark the Polar Bear. You planning on riding this thing? His main application of this skill is his psychokinesis , [32] which lets him control physical objects using telekinesis [33] and has a broad range of applications. Silver and Espio the Chameleon from Sonic Rivals 2. I've always liked that about you. Main article: Super Silver. Hunter Series. He is as well able to fly without his psychokinesis and is nearly invulnerable.

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