sharon stone wiki

Sharon stone wiki

Sharon Vonne Stone born March 10, is an American actress and painter. After modeling in television commercials and print advertisements, sharon stone wiki, Stone made her film debut as an extra in Woody Allen 's dramedy Stardust Memories and played her first speaking part in Wes Craven 's horror film Deadly Blessing

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Here Today Sharon Stone was born and raised in Meadville, a small town in Pennsylvania.

Sharon stone wiki

Sharon Vonne Stone born March 10, is an American actress and movie producer. She received a Golden Globe Award for her part in the movie Casino. Her role in the movie Basic Instinct was also notable. Stone won the title of Miss Crawford County in Meadville. She was a candidate for Miss Pennsylvania. While living in Europe, she decided to quit modeling and become an actress. Stone was cast for a brief role in Allen's Stardust Memories She had many roles in movies in the 's. Being in Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger helped her career. To promote the movie, she posed nude for Playboy. The movie that made her a star Basic Instinct

She played what Roger Ebert described as the "bad girl" in the romantic comedy He Said, She Said[27] a sexually repressed woman in the psychological thriller Scissorsa wealthy blonde in the crime drama Diary of a Hitman[28] a provocative young photojournalist in the thriller Sharon stone wiki of the Gun and the agent and former lover of a writer in the neo-noir Where Sleeping Dogs Lie, sharon stone wiki.

American actress. Sharon Vonne Stone. BnF authorities. Sharon Stone cropped. English Wikipedia.

She has also received several "dishonors" for poor performances in films, earning three Golden Raspberry Awards , and two Stinkers Bad Movie Awards. Stone has also received a number of non-performance honors. She was inducted to the Hollywood Walk of Fame in for her contribution to acting. The actress was nominated for Golden Apple Award for being easy to work with according to her co-stars. Throughout her career, Stone has received several other awards for her work in film. In , she won the Bravo Otto silver medal in the Best Actress category. It is located at Hollywood Blvd. Stone has also been awarded for activities other than acting. In , she was nominated for the Golden Apple Award for being easy to work with according to her co-stars.

Sharon stone wiki

Sharon Stone is looking back at how much her career exploded following 's Basic Instinct , so much so that she said police came to protect her during the infamous O. Simpson car chase. While Stone had no connection to Simpson, who was accused of double murder, she told InStyle magazine , in an interview published online Tuesday, that the Los Angeles Police Department told her, "He's dangerous. And we don't know how dangerous, and we don't know what this is. When officers came to her house and told her she had 10 minutes to pack a suitcase to leave, the actress admitted that she didn't even question it because her life had become so chaotic at the time amid the success of Paul Verhoeven's film. Stone recalled being moved into a hotel as one officer kept watch near the reception area while another stood at her door, all while "O. But Stone confessed that having to buy a new house and hire security, as well as everything else that comes with fame in Hollywood, was difficult for her. Decades later, Stone now said she has a better grasp on the expectations of fame in Hollywood. Sharon Stone can't do it either, whether or not she's doing a lot of movies. It's tampons, Q-tips and Sharon Stone.

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Stone is a convert to Tibetan Buddhism. In , Stone met William J. Retrieved June 3, Retrieved 25 November Proleksis enciklopedija ID. I had adult questions and wanted adult answers. She has also appeared on television programs and in television films and produced several films. Retrieved February 28, New York Post. Decine21 person ID. Above the Law. Deutsche Synchronkartei actor ID.

Sharon Stone worked as a model before launching into film, landing roles in features like Irreconcilable Differences and Total Recall.

She has said she believes in God. Comic Vine ID. Retrieved August 19, Archived from the original on July 2, San Diego Metropolitan. Real Leaders. Archived from the original on December 21, Stone's performance as a trophy wife in Martin Scorsese 's epic crime drama Casino earned her the best reviews of her career, which garnered her a Golden Globe Award along with an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Sharon Stone cropped. Retrieved March 27, Ratched 7. If These Walls Could Talk 2. Archived from the original on January 9,

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