Sherwood youtube

Teen hacker Robin of Sherwood joins forces with a group of renegades to battle the mad Sheriff of Nottingham through the sherwood youtube storm-lashed streets of 23rd century London, sherwood youtube. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

That lineup is enough to make us forget that other horrible Robin Hood film starring Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx ever happened. Details from the official press release below:. Diana Manson and Megan Laughton serve as executive producers. Jan Stebbins and Nanette Miles also serve as producers. Bruce Carter serves as director and Jonathan Clarke serves as the animation producer. YouTube Premium is a subscription service that offers access to YouTube Original series and movies, a streaming music platform, and an uninterrupted, ad-free experience across all of YouTube.

Sherwood youtube

Some big names are coming to YouTube. The streaming service just announced the cast for their upcoming TV show, Sherwood. Sherwood debuts on YouTube Premium on March 6th. Diana Manson and Megan Laughton serve as executive producers. Jan Stebbins and Nanette Miles also serve as producers. Bruce Carter serves as director and Jonathan Clarke serves as the animation producer. YouTube Premium is a subscription service that offers access to YouTube Original series and movies, a streaming music platform, and an uninterrupted, ad-free experience across all of YouTube. YouTube Premium is currently available in the U. What do you think? Are you a fan of the Robin Hood story? Will you check out Sherwood? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Will there be a second season?!!!!

June 1, pm. December 1,

This is about Sherwood, the YouTube original series. For other meanings, see Sherwood disambiguation. Sherwood is a YouTube Premium original series, released on March 6th, It is inspired by the legend of Robin Hood. Teen hacker Robin of Sherwood joins forces with a group of renegades to battle the mad Sheriff of Nottingham through the flooded storm-lashed streets of 23rd century London. Development began in , with Justin Trefgarne being commissioned to write the pilot script for Sherwood. YouTube ordered 9 more episodes in January

Some big names are coming to YouTube. The streaming service just announced the cast for their upcoming TV show, Sherwood. Sherwood debuts on YouTube Premium on March 6th. Diana Manson and Megan Laughton serve as executive producers. Jan Stebbins and Nanette Miles also serve as producers. Bruce Carter serves as director and Jonathan Clarke serves as the animation producer. YouTube Premium is a subscription service that offers access to YouTube Original series and movies, a streaming music platform, and an uninterrupted, ad-free experience across all of YouTube. YouTube Premium is currently available in the U.

Sherwood youtube

Sherwood is a computer animated science fiction streaming television series created by Diana Manson and Megan Laughton that premiered on March 6, , on YouTube Premium. It is a new telling of the Robin Hood legend. The show had a world premiere in Sydney, Australia , in March In the year , in the dystopic 23rd century, year-old hacker Robin Loxley and her friends battle the Sheriff of Nottingham in a Britain devastated by environmental disaster. He also stated that the series is "inspired by the classic Manga Akira ," [17] a Japanese cyberpunk manga series set in a post-apocalyptic and futuristic Neo-Tokyo, more than two decades after a mysterious explosion destroyed the city. In February , a number of behind-the-scenes specials were released about the show. In the first one, on February 22, director Bruce Carter talked about the setting of the show in a futuristic London, which those in this story call "Sherwood," with the story based around Robin and her "merry band" of followers.

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The Artists Partnership. FAQ Iniko and Robin work together to fix his submarine, stranded in the ocean, before they meet certain doom. Common Sense Media , a family-friendly media review site, gave the series an aggregate of three stars, stating its themes made it suitable for older viewers. The creative ambition of the studio has allowed us to grow an exciting artistic culture around our projects, which has attracted some of the best talent in the world to our growing team. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A strange machine from the Upper City is poisoning Sherwood's freshwater supply. Animation is the universal storytelling medium. Animated television series. You can now stream the rest of the episodes for free on youtube Originals! No Comments. United Talent Agency.

Everything you could hope for is here. Sherwood recap: episode one — welcome to Ashfield … mind the flying arrows.

Top Gap. Whether it is simple line art, sophisticated photo-real digital rendering or live action, each project, big or small, is treated with the same care and attention to detail. Diana Manson and Megan Laughton serve as executive producers. This was such a cute little story. I think world has enough negativity in it already and it would be so much better if people would keep their bitter and poisonous comments for them self. Animation Ireland. YouTube Premium is currently available in the U. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Top cast Edit. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. In a 23rd-century flooded city, a teenager named Robin recognizes her path forward, different than anything she ever thought, when she puts on a gauntlet once owned by her father. We love to entertain, challenge and inspire audiences of all ages. This is quite a fascinating show which I was unable to stop watching, I could easily watched the whole series in 1 go, immediately attracted to the main characters and their background story.

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