Shin megami tensei iv fusion guide

Copyright I will list one of the combinations you can use to get fuseable demons of a certain race, I will not list all possible combinations.

Hi there! And thanks for taking the time to read this guide. This is a guide for how to fuse every demon in Shin Megami Tensei IV and get a full compendium, a task notably harder than in previous games. This guide does not contain skill descriptions. The guide also does not use DLC skills or demons for the Fiend guides.

Shin megami tensei iv fusion guide

Some Demons can transform into an entirely new demon without the use of Fusion. All you need to do is get it up to a certain level, and it will automatically transform! The Demon will say it will transform soon, during one of its level ups. Level it up a few more times to get it to transform. Once a demon Transforms, it will automatically jump to the starting level of the demon it becomes. For example: Archangel transforms to Principality at Level 22, but when it becomes Principality, it jumps to Level You will also be able to prevent the demon from transforming. The transformation does not always stay in the same demon race, and some demons can transform multiple times! Unlike Fusion, the Protagonist does not need to be at a certain level before the transformation can occur. Fusion restricts players from making demons with high levels with a Fusion Limit.

However, very few bosses have a fire weakness in the endgame, and only Black Rider does amongst the remaining Fiends, who is easy anyway. The most important element of preparation for this fight is ensuring someone nulls sick, though ideally two characters or more.


You can accept these from the blackboard in K's Tavern or Hunter Associations later in the game when they become available. These quests usually involve finding an item or defeating a tough Demon. Some quests can even affect the ending of the game with moral choices, so make sure you spend some time completing them! During challenge quests, the normal Main Quests will be put on hold. If you wish to proceed with normal quests, you are free to abandon the current challenge quest at any time. The delivery Challenge Quests do not need to be accepted or abandoned, however. After completing a challenge quest, you will earn some experience points and a reward - possible some Macca or an Item. If you already have the maximum allowed number of that particular item, you will be unable to obtain another.

Shin megami tensei iv fusion guide

In Shin Megami Tensei, the Fiends are a powerful race of demons who all represent death in some form, and well-known for being difficult bosses and awesome allies. They are also some of my favourite demons, and the satisfaction you get from beating a Fiend and then fusing it is second-to-none. However, in this game, not only are they tough to beat, but they are very tough to find as well. Most Fiends spawn in a very specific location, and the odds of them spawning there are an eye-watering 1 in That's right, chances are that for every attempts, you'll only encounter the demon once. And even then, it may well kill you although there is a way to get around this, thankfully.

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Put another way, imagine you're picking out a random card from a standard deck. But if you have it, it works wonders in this fight, especially with Flynn. Even if you only have two party members left, and two press turns, you should spend one healing and one removing debuffs unless their resistances trigger almighty spam. However, you should have at least one Deadly Wind user to get extra press turns and smirks. You can obtain his fusion data in exchange for Point Card x It seemed to work for me when I was fusing Fameds, but then again, it's quite possible for that to happen. As you might expect, surviving a Fiend's almighty spam is not easy. This gives you sacred time to set up buffs, debuffs and Doping. Like Red Rider, fighting him will require a bit of luck, but fortunately, you don't need anywhere near as much to defeat him. You therefore only need to recruit one Food demon, and you'll be able to fuse the rest with Element demons. The strategy is slightly different if you use Silent Prayer. Buffs and debuffs help greatly, even considering that they do not affect Mamudo, as Blight does such huge damage.

In Shin Megami Tensei 4, you are able to transform demons into an entirely new demon without using the Demon Fusion.

My demons' levels usually ranged from the mids to the mids. Magic types are a bit risky, unless they resist force or better, but balanced types should have few problems. The second hardest Fiend drops the second best accessory in the game. Copyright Go on a mad shopping spree! You can pretty much ignore all the advice above and relax. The reward for completing Dance of the Dead is a mediocre piece of body armor, and unlocking David for special fusion. This is where your sick resistance comes in. However, all this will seem like a breeze compared to hunting down the other Fiends. But personally, I prefer to put his resistances to good use against bosses. Related Guides. However long your patience lasts. It's amazing how many enemy parties lack ailment resistance from the midgame onwards.

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