shymkent to almaty train

Shymkent to almaty train

The train e-ticket gives right to board train on many routes without conventional paper ticket purchased at booking office.

When you want to get from Shymkent to Almaty, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:. The cost of travel will depend on the means of transport you choose for your trip. A flight ticket is the most expensive option - it will cost you about EUR Your trip will be a total of miles km. The flying distance is miles km. The travel time from Shymkent to Almaty can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose.

Shymkent to almaty train

Taking a train to get from Shymkent to Almaty is a safe, fast, and scenic option to travel the country. On certain routes, there are multiple train departures per day every 10 to 15 minutes. This is typical for intercity travel, while for long distance train routes there are fewer scheduled departures — plan ahead to choose the one that fits your itinerary best. For long distance train journeys, we recommend reserving your tickets at least a few days ahead of your travel date. Buying train tickets via our online booking system will allow you to choose and reserve the best Shymkent to Almaty tickets. Buying your tickets online will help you secure the trip on the selected date and avoid queuing at the station.. When travelling on weekends and holidays it is recommended to reserve tickets much earlier due to a much higher demand. During high season, train tickets sell out quickly — do book as early as you can. Travelling by train, the distance from Shymkent to Almaty is miles. Before setting on for a train journey, have a look at the map to find out what tourist spots or landmarks you will pass by — maybe they are worth a quick stop? Travel time from Shymkent to Almaty is estimated to be about 10h 47m. Trains ensure the fastest time to travel by land. As normally there is no congestion, the speed of travel is more or less constant and stops at train stations are rather short, train is almost always one of the quickest and safest ways to get from Shymkent and Almaty. The most important thing that may affect train travel time is the type of train. Some intercity trains with shorter distances between stations run slower than 40 mph.

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Train from Shymkent to Almaty is a decent alternative to bus or air travel. Travelling from Shymkent to Almaty by train is easy, safe, and convenient. There is a direct railway link between the two destinations, which makes your trip smooth and hassle-free. Tickets are available for online booking and it is a good idea to buy them in advance to secure your seat. To get the most out of your train journey, check the schedule and choose the most convenient departure. As a rule, trains and ticket classes are available for every taste and budget. The distance from Shymkent to Almaty is km.

The train e-ticket gives right to board train on many routes without conventional paper ticket purchased at booking office. Thus, online purchase of train ticket is cheaper and more convenient as you don't need to go to the station and stand in the queue. However, possibility to board the train with the e-ticket is provided not for all trains. In that case, you may book and pay for the Almaty 2 — Chimkent train ticket online and exchange the e-ticket printout for conventional paper ticket at the booking office without standing in the queue. To buy a ticket or pay for the booking of the Almaty 2—Chimkent train via the Tickets. The system will automatically find all possible travel options and will arrange them by price — from cheapest to most expensive. From the rail travel options on offer, you may select the most suitable one by its price, departure and arrival time.

Shymkent to almaty train

Taking a train to get from Shymkent to Almaty is a safe, fast, and scenic option to travel the country. On certain routes, there are multiple train departures per day every 10 to 15 minutes. This is typical for intercity travel, while for long distance train routes there are fewer scheduled departures — plan ahead to choose the one that fits your itinerary best. For long distance train journeys, we recommend reserving your tickets at least a few days ahead of your travel date. Buying train tickets via our online booking system will allow you to choose and reserve the best Shymkent to Almaty tickets. Buying your tickets online will help you secure the trip on the selected date and avoid queuing at the station.. When travelling on weekends and holidays it is recommended to reserve tickets much earlier due to a much higher demand. During high season, train tickets sell out quickly — do book as early as you can. Travelling by train, the distance from Shymkent to Almaty is miles.

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The system will automatically find all possible travel options and will arrange them by price — from cheapest to most expensive. Basic passenger trains which are often non-air-conditioned and have wooden, hard or old seats are normally cheap. In order to make your choice of transportation easier, we asked users to range their preferences for this route. Travel time from Shymkent to Almaty is estimated to be about 10h 47m. Note that trains normally depart on time from their station of origin but sometimes come later than scheduled to their terminus. Arrival Station. Lastly, unlike buses and other overland means of transport, trains are very rarely involved in accidents. Pick Date. You will only need to pay for your ticket. These speeds of travel together with relatively short stops between stations can greatly shorten the duration of your trip. As a rule, trains and ticket classes are available for every taste and budget.


It is enough to enter route and to choose date of travel in calendar. Lastly, unlike buses and other overland means of transport, trains are very rarely involved in accidents. Regardless of your ticket's price, the train toilets' cleanness is not often up to the standard, alas. Shymkent to Almaty. The train e-ticket gives right to board train on many routes without conventional paper ticket purchased at booking office. Unlike buses or taxis which have numerous companies offering their services, train service is usually offered by just one major company in each country. As a rule, trains and ticket classes are available for every taste and budget. KZT 20, Premium or luxury trains and coaches have a higher ticket price but are equipped with air-conditioning, toilets, and large soft seats with sufficient legroom to make train rides comfortable. On many trains, you will also see hawkers patrolling the aisles during the journey and selling soft beverages and snacks. KZT 22, Use the handy and simple service of Tickets.

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