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Bart Simpson still got the Mind Control Ray that he purchased from the future, he could control anyone mind with it, he tested with Marge and she was his maid the day before; So far, it had been the best day of his life. When Lisa came home she saw that Marge and Bart were having sex on the rug; Bart pointed her with the Mind Control Ray and pushed the green button; Lisa would do whatever he wanted. Bart ordered Lisa and Marge to undressed, they did it and Bart was ready to fuck Lisa but she complained, it was her first time, Marge told her that she would soon know the real meaning of pleasure that she had to relax; Bart give it to her, the worst is over. Bart, Lisa, and Marge were having a threesome but suddenly Homer appeared, if he saw Bart doing that Homer would beat the shit out of him but Homer was so drunk that he could hardly keep his eyes open and he went to sleep. Bart went upstairs to checks Homer was asleep and he controlled his mind too, Homer would be thought that everything that happened in the house was going to be normal.

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Bart and Lisa Simpsons were characterized by their rivalry but lately Bart got kinky and seduced Lisa to play his pervert game. Mind Control Ray The only way he could fuck Lisa was if he controlled her mind or something weird. Bart went to the computer to spend some times and searched Kingcomix. A millennium later, Leela and Professor Farnsworth were worry because they had a problem, the Future Purchase had struck again and someone in the past bought it, no one ever fell into this trap before. Leela and the others have to travel back in time and retrieve the device at all cost. Imagine all the possibilities Bart was thinking about the things he could do if the Mind Controller Ray works, he could fuck all the girls at school and even Krabappel, finally the package arrived, he was anxious and used it with Marge and it worked; now he would definitely get to fuck Lisa. Bart thought it would be fun to fuck Marge, Lisa went out to a sleepover, Bart ordered her to change the TV channel and when she bent down to change it, Bart changed his target; definitely he was going to fuck her. Skip to content Bart and Lisa Simpsons were characterized by their rivalry but lately Bart got kinky and seduced Lisa to play his pervert game. Snu Snu — JZerosk. The Sexensteins - The Simpsons. Notify of. Oldest Newest Most Voted. Inline Feedbacks. View Comments.

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