sims 4 teenager pregnant

Sims 4 teenager pregnant

This is just something I am making up, mostly to keep track of my own progress for this since I wanted to write the rules down while I play it out. MC allows teen pr

Looking for a hot guy for your Sim to hook up with? Head to the gallery and download one. Need a single mom with two cats and a dog? You can find one, as long as someone made one. There are teens pregnant with quadruplets and pregnant teenagers that also have dogs or cats.

Sims 4 teenager pregnant

Want to save this post? Click here to pin it! Being able to get your teen sims pregnant has been an obsession among simmers since the early days of The Sims. I remember downloading a mod for it back when I was playing The Sims 2 in the mids. Module 5 of the mod introduced teenage sims pregnancy and tons of in-depth gameplay to go along with it. When your teenage sims get pregnant, it TRULY affects everyone from their partner to the other young adults they know, or even their parents. Everyone will have their own reactions and get specific moodlets to go along with them. But if you want to see how exactly how to get a teenage sim pregnant in sims 4 using the mod, keep reading. It really helps to show support for our wonderful sims 4 modding community! Hailey and her boyfriend, Bowen have decided to take things to the next level in their relationship.

In addition, there are TONS of other interactions surrounding the pregnancy that your pregnant teen can do with their partner.


Teen pregnancy is something that was not allowed in Sims 4 originally. However, with the rapid advancement of Mods, teen pregnancy is now possible. You can get your teenage Sim characters pregnant by using the Sims 4 teen pregnancy Mod. This Mod is something that many users have wanted for a long time. As a result, it is a very popular Mod used by many gamers. It is very fun to have a teenage Sim character who is pregnant in your game. This Mod helps add some twist and spice to your game and a lot of drama. This Mod comes with many features and add-ons, which helps make it even more interesting.

Sims 4 teenager pregnant

Mods allow players to add nearly anything they want to The Sims 4 —and this includes stuff that could be considered to be on the more on the taboo side of things. Under normal circumstances, you can only pursue certain types of relationships with certain people. If a sim is related to another sim, they can't romance each other—and they definitely can't marry each other, for example. Another rule: teens can't become pregnant. But just because the game is designed a certain way doesn't mean players don't want to toy with certain simulations anyway, regardless of how socially acceptable they'd be in real life. That's where a number of curious mods by BIlly Rand come in.

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A lot of this could be dependant on mods and other packs so it's hard figuring it out for the base game. They are going to WooHoo for the first time. If not, feel free to leave me a comment with any of your questions. Module 5 of the mod introduced teenage sims pregnancy and tons of in-depth gameplay to go along with it. When your teenage sims get pregnant, it TRULY affects everyone from their partner to the other young adults they know, or even their parents. You don't have to stick with these hard, but if you're like me then you might feel some sense of accomplishment if you fulfill these. Olivia Wednesday 27th of July Father of baby - Friendship and romance must be high for him to accept it. Looking for a hot guy for your Sim to hook up with? Gaming Reviews, News, Tips and More.

As sims players we are constantly looking to make the game feel more real and pregnancy is definitely lacking in realism.

MC allows teen pr When the child is born, however, shit tends to hit the fan. Teen - Based on acceptance, you can decide how this part pans out. With the use of mods like Wicked Whims , players can play out their 16 And Pregnant fantasies. Afterall, they still wanna be a teen but feel torn to be there for their kiddo. One Redditor found a family uploaded to the gallery that had been modded to allow for children to get pregnant, which Wicked Whims does not allow. Parents, the dad and even yourself. I've even tried redownloading it, nope wont work. Over 90 in both. I'm going to play through my own one and see if any obvious rules should stand out. Under 50 in both will not be accepted and he may snub her after he finds out. Need a single mom with two cats and a dog?

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