sinx domain

Sinx domain

Wiki User. Use the function to find the image of each point in the domain.

Last updated on Apr 12, Get Started. This question was previously asked in. Start Now. Log x is defined only when x is positive and greater than zero. The ISRO has announced 14 new vacancies for the current recruitment cycle.

Sinx domain

If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Search for courses, skills, and videos. Graphs of sin x , cos x , and tan x. About About this video Transcript. Specifically, this means that the domain of sin x is all real numbers, and the range is [-1,1]. Want to join the conversation? Log in. Sort by: Top Voted. Posted 11 years ago. Why are imaginary numbers not included in the domain? What prevents them from 'working'? Downvote Button navigates to signup page. Flag Button navigates to signup page. Show preview Show formatting options Post answer.

So let's go back to the question.


A function is nothing but a rule which is applied to the values inputted. The set of values that can be used as inputs for the function is called the domain of the function. For e. A range of a function is the set of output values for different input values. We know that the sine and cosine functions are defined for all real numbers. This can be shown as follows:. However, according to the problem , x lies in the third quadrant. Learn Compound Angles here in detail. You can download Trigonometric Functions Cheat Sheet by clicking on the download button below. Answer: Domain means the set of possible input values.

Sinx domain

Since the sine function is defined everywhere on the real numbers, its set is RR. As f is a periodic function, its range is a bounded interval given by the max and min values of the function. The maximum output of sinx is 1 , while its minimum is The domain of a function is the set of input values for which the function is real and defined. As you can easily observe, the SIN graph goes up until color blue 1 and goes down until color blue


The circle uses the idea of symmetry to find the coordinates at which multiples of the special angles intersect the circle. Testbook Edu Solutions Pvt. Let's go to three pi over two. Still Y in the vertical axis, but I'm gonna graph the graph of Y is equal to sine of theta. Three pi over two, well now we've gone three quarters of the way around, around the circle. So you could view this as two and a half pi, or however you wanna think about it, then you're gonna go back over here. Show preview Show formatting options Post answer. I'll make, let me make down a little bit, I'll make this negative one, and so, sine of theta is negative one. Posted 4 years ago. Well, let's try it out. Find the derivative of sinxcosx? When theta is equal to pi, what is sine of pi? Sine of zero is equal to zero. Log x is defined only when x is positive and greater than zero.

To make the students to understand domain and range of a trigonometric function, we have given a table which clearly says the domain and range of trigonometric functions.

It just continues. So let's think about what's, what, what happens when theta is equal to pi. I mean obviously I agree, as you keep increasing theta like this we just keep going around and around the circle and this pattern kind of emerges, but what happens when we go in the negative direction? The sine of theta is the same thing as a Y coordinate if the Y coordinate is the sine of theta, so theta, when theta's pi over two sine of theta, or when theta's three pi over two sine of theta is equal to negative one. Use the function to find the image of each point in the domain. A bag contains 7 white, 6 red and 9 black balls. Do you mean the cose And so we can connect the dots. Then R is. More Engineering Mathematics Questions Q1. I agree that opp is 1, but what is the hypotenus? This is the point, this is the point one comma zero.

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